Venue: Crompton Suite, Civic Centre, Oldham, West Street, Oldham, OL1 1NL. View directions
Contact: Lori Hughes
No. | Item |
Apologies For Absence Minutes: There were no apologies for absence received. |
Declarations of Interest To Receive Declarations of Interest in any Contract or matter to be discussed at the meeting. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest received. |
Urgent Business Urgent business, if any, introduced by the Chair Minutes: There were no items of urgent business received. |
Public Question Time To receive Questions from the Public, in accordance with the Council’s Constitution. Minutes: There were no public questions received. |
Minutes of Previous Meeting The Minutes of the Overview and Scrutiny Board held on 21st January 2020 are attached for approval. Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the Overview and Scrutiny Board held on 21st January 2020 be approved as a correct record. |
Minutes of the Performance and Value for Money Select Committee The minutes of the Performance and Value for Money Meeting held on 9 January 2020 are attached for noting. Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the Overview and Scrutiny Performance and Value for Money Select Committee held on 9 January 2020 be noted. |
GMCA Housing, Planning and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee The minutes of the GMCA Housing, Planning and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee held on 14 November 2019 are attached for noting. Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the GMCA Housing, Planning and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee held on 14 November 2019 be noted. |
GMCA Corporate Issues and Reform Overview and Scrutiny Committee The minutes of the GMCA Corporate Issues and Reform meeting held on 19 November 2019 are attached for noting. Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the GMCA Corporate Issues and Reform Scrutiny Committee held on 19 November 2019 be noted. |
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Board gave consideration to a report which provided an overview of the work of the Virtual School and reported the education outcomes for Oldham’s Children Looked After (CLA). The scope of the work undertaken by the Virtual School had developed significantly under new leadership and reported outcomes for children who were looked after compared favourably with national averages and that inclusion was a key priority in the coming year. These themes emerged in the Ofsted report of the inspection of the Local Authority’s Children’s Services (ILACS) which included the Virtual School in January 2019. Increased staffing had enabled the development of PEP/ePEP processes, quality assurance and targeted Post 16 provision. The Virtual School had engaged with key partners across education, children’s social care and wider agencies to develop understanding of the education needs of children looked after (CLA). Following the introduction of new statutory guidance in September 2018, the Virtual School continued to ensure that partners in education and social care understood the new duties and associated roles and responsibilities. The Virtual School integrated its work with teams across the Education and Early Years’ service and closer working with the SEND team was improving practice. The most recently validated data (from 2017/18) confirmed that attainment and progress for CLA (OC2 cohort) was ranked within the top 25% nationally at the end of Key Stages 2 and 4. The report outlined the significant improvement in outcomes. Promoting attendance and reduction of exclusion were priorities for the Virtual School with its partners. It was noted that the overall absence and persistent absence rates for the OC2 cohort increased between 2017 and 2018 and were now higher than CLA nationally and regionally. CLA attendance data was now tracked by the Virtual School and informed case work for the Education Support Officers. The members noted the impact of the Virtual School 2018/19 and the priorities for 2019/20. Members commented that this was a positive report. Members queried the NEETS figure and asked if this would be improved. Members were informed that there was a designated officer in post, a link with Positive Steps with some provisional and preventative work. Alternative qualifications were being reviewed. Members asked about authorised and unauthorised absences and what was being done to address the reasons. Members were informed that this was being reviewed. Officers had access to data, were looking at triggers in notification to contact social workers and reviewing continuous absence. Deeper implications of school moves were also being reviewed. Members asked about the reasons for fixed term exclusions. Members were informed that any pupil could be excluded and repeated exclusions were being reviewed to include how they could be prevented, review roles and responsibilities, provision planning, appropriate support, getting schools to integration meetings and challenging disruptive behaviour. Members asked whether former students were involved with the Virtual School Governing Body. Members were informed that one had but had since left, a new individual would be sought. Members were also informed that the Virtual School had ... view the full minutes text for item 9. |
Oldham Cares Commissioning Arrangements Update Minutes: The Board gave consideration to an update on the Integrated Commissioning Function. Oldham Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and Oldham Council had committed to integrate fully to drive better health outcomes and reduce demand and, therefore, cost through the establishment of a single approach to commissioning (the ICF). This paper provides a progress reports towards achieving that inspiration. Members sought clarification the Urgent and Emergency Care point when compared to other regions of England, NWAS took the highest percentage of patients to A&E whilst the second percentage of calls were resolved with phone advice.
RESOLVED that: 1. The Oldham Cares Commissioning Arrangements Update be noted. 2. A briefing session be arranged with the Overview and Scrutiny Board and the Strategic Director of Commissioning and Chief Operating Officer. |
GM 2040 Delivery Plan and Transport Capital Programme - Annual Update Minutes: The Board gave consideration to an update on the GM2040 Transport Strategy, the GM2040 Delivery Plan and associated investment in transport infrastructure through the Council’s transports capital programme. Members were advised that the strategy was currently being refreshed in response to changes in the transport opportunities and challenges facing Greater Manchester such as the declaration by the Greater Manchester Combined Authority of a Climate Emergency, the development of the GM Spatial Framework and the GM Mayor’s priorities such as those set out in ‘Our Network’ plan to create an integrated, modern and accessible public transport system. The GM2040 Transport Strategy was supported by a Five-Year GM2040 Delivery Plan, which was also being updated to reflect the GM Spatial Framework Transport Evidence and Localities work. ‘Our Network’ and its 10-year delivery timescales and a proposed review of schemes in the context of carbon focused Right-Mix targets and the latest position on funding. Consideration was also currently being given to including a new feature in the GM2040 Delivery Plan, and a District Local Implementation Plan (DLIP) which would set out local transport priorities for each district and be appended to the main Delivery Plan. The refreshed GM Transport Strategy would be published in the summer alongside an updated GM2040 Delivery Plan and the GM Spatial Framework. The GM Transport Strategy was supported by many sub-strategies which varied significantly in their nature and stage of development. Some strategies were intended to be public facing documents and other provided officers with toolkits to guide investment decisions. An update on the development and implementation of several key GM 2040 sub-strategies was given in the report including Streets for All, Made to Move and the Bee Network, Change a Region to Change a Nation and Bus Reform/Local Bus Strategy. Funding for the delivery of the GM2040 Transport Strategy was outlined in the report with particular focus on capital investment to maintain and improve the transport network in Oldham, which was delivered through Oldham’s transport capital programme. Appendix 1 to the report contained details of investment programmes in the current three-year programme. Securing external funding to invest in transport infrastructure in Oldham was a Council priority. The report provided updates on several bidding competitions through which the Council is hoping to secure additional funding for transport infrastructure. Members asked for and received clarification on the following: · Movement on reaching the carbon neutral target – this was be addressed under the Council’s Green New Deal Strategy · Streets for All – the original piece of work had been completed, a quality bus transit study would look in more detail to identify schemes which could be delivered. Members were also provided information related to a demonstrator corridor across Greater Manchester. · Highway Maintenance Challenge Fund submissions – the Council was waiting for confirmation. · Future High Streets Fund – Members were informed that Regeneration were leading on this work. · Bus Reform and the effect on quality bus transit schemes – Members were informed that engagement with operators was part of the scheme. ... view the full minutes text for item 11. |
GM's Clean Air Plan - Tackling Nitrogen Dioxide Exceedances at the Roadside - Update Minutes: The Board gave consideration to a report which set out the progress that had been made following the Government’s response to Greater Manchester’s Outline Business Case to tackle Nitrogen Dioxide Exceedances at the Roadside (OBC) and the implications for the 10 Greater Manchester (GM) local authorities related to the schedule of work and statutory consultation on the Clean Air Plan. In March 2018, the Secretary of State issued a Direction under the Environment Act 1995 which required Oldham Council to produce a feasibility study to identify the option which would deliver compliance with the requirement to meet legal limits for nitrogen dioxide in the shortest possible time. The Council complied with this Direction by the production of a feasibility study submitted to the government’s Joint Air Quality Unit (JAQU) in July 2018. The Council was also required to address the exceedances that had been identified within its boundary during the Target Determination Exercise and the Council confirmed in its supplemental plan that the exceedance identified in Oldham was being addressed as part of the Greater Manchester plan. This had been acknowledged by Government. Oldham Council had, therefore, been developing the study collectively with the other 9 Greater Manchester local authorities and the GMCA, coordinated by Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM) in line with Government direction and guidance. An Outline Business Case was duly submitted on 25 March 2019 at the Council’s Cabinet meeting for submission to the government’s Joint Air Quality Unit (JAQU). Members noted the delay arising from the ministerial feedback and lack of clarity on the direction, JAQU guidance and GM’s legal obligations related to the options appraisal process which meant that consultation would take place later than originally planned. Consultation must comply with the relevant public law principles summarised in the report. Despite the delay in consultation, GM must continue to proceed towards developing the implementation and contract arrangements of a charging Clean Air Zone utilising the initial tranche of £36m of funding. Officers would continue to work with JAQU to clarify the 2019 Ministerial Direction, JAQU guidance and GM’s legal obligations related to the options appraisal process, and the implications of that to the schedule of work and timings for consultation on the plan, continue dialogue with JAQU to secure a clear response from government on clean vehicles funding asks and continue stakeholder engagement and awareness raising with both groups in the scope of the Clean Air Zone and the general public. Members were informed of enforcement cameras in place, real time monitoring, links to schools and exceedances. Members sought and received clarification on the following: · EU Standards and if these would change – it was confirmed that these were entrenched in law. · Consultation Format – new one would be sharper. · Type of engines effective – petrol and diesel. · Fines for Clean Air Zones and idling – Members were informed of the Taxi Working Group and an outline business case which had been submitted for funding to help drivers change to compliant vehicles; work ongoing with ... view the full minutes text for item 12. |
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Board gave consideration to responses and briefing notes received in relation to motion which had been referred to Overview and Scrutiny by Full Council.
Updates were received in relation to:
1. Clean Air Outside Our Schools 2. A Sensible Approach to Firework Displays 3. United Nations Sustainable Goals
1. Clean Air Outside Our Schools
On 6th November 2019 the motion related to Clean Air Outside School was referred to the Board. Key points were raised in the motion and considered in the GM context of the GM approach to which the Council is signed up to. The Board is requested to note the updates received and endorse the comments received at Section 3.
2. A Sensible Approach to Firework Displays
A motion was referred to Council regarding the above on 8th January 2020. Officers have recommended that officers from Public Protection work in partnership with Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue and the Council’s Community Safety Team to develop an action plan that could be reported back to Overview and Scrutiny for further recommendations.
3. United Nations – Sustainable Development Goals
The report highlighted how Oldham was championing and implementing the United Nations Sustainable Goals and provided an overview of work that was being undertaken across the organisation.
The Board were requested to note the work being undertaken in Oldham that contributed to the ambitions of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.
1. The updates provided on the Motions referred to Overview and Scrutiny be noted. 2. Work to be undertaken to assess the opportunity working through the current arrangement for eco/green messaging on the board via sponsorship and awareness working through schools be noted. 3. Officers from Public Protection to work in partnership with Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue and the Council’s Community Safety Team to develop an action plan and report back to Overview and Scrutiny with further recommendations be agreed. 4. The report on work undertaken by Oldham on the United Nations Sustainable Goals be noted and commended to Council. |
Key Decision Document The Board is requested to note the latest Key Decision Document. Minutes: The Board gave consideration to the latest published Key Decision Document.
RESOLVED that the latest Key Decision Document be noted. |
Overview and Scrutiny Board Work Programme The Board is requested to comment and note the Overview and Scrutiny Board Work Programme for the 2019/2020 Municipal Year. Minutes: The Board gave consideration to the latest Overview and Scrutiny Board Work Programme.
The Board noted updates related to the Resident First Programme, the overview of new Safeguarding Children Arrangements and Place Based Model.
The Board were also informed of a request for the establishment of a Task and Finish Group to assist in the update of the Council’s Poverty Strategy.
1. The Overview and Scrutiny Board Work Programme for 2019/2020 be noted. 2. The delivery of the Residential First Programme, delivering by Digital Design Update and the change of focus to shaping a Digital Strategy and Digital Delivery Plan to enable digital to have a greater impact across Team Oldham be noted. 3. The update on the new Safeguarding Children Arrangements be noted. 4. The update on the Place Based Model be noted. 5. The established of a Task and Finish Group to assist in the update of the Council’s Poverty Strategy be agreed. |
General Exceptions and Urgent Decisions The Board is requested to note the decisions that have been taken under Rule 16 and 17 of the Council’s Constitution (now Rule 13 and 14 following the Constitutional Amendments as agreed at Council on 8 January 2020) since the last meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Board held on 21st January 2020.
If a detailed explanation is required and an officer is to attend the meeting to provide further information, please contact Constitutional Services by 12.00 noon on Friday, 28th February 2020. Minutes: The Board gave consideration to a report advising of decisions related to the Local Full Fibre Network Contract Award, Care at Home Cluster Provider, Independent Mental Advocacy Service (IMCA) and Strength-Based Approaches Training for Oldham Cares Workforce – Balance of Funding Request.
RESOLVED that the report and authorisations granted under Rule 13 (General Exception) and Rule 14 (Special Urgency) be noted. |
Getting to Good Children's Improvement Update Minutes: The Board were informed and it was AGREED that the report could form part of the Open agenda.
The Board gave consideration to a report of the Managing Director of Children and Young People which provided an update on progress related to Children’s Social Care Transformation and Improvement Plans. The report highlighted the following areas: · Progress against the plans · Demand · Caseloads · Workforce The Board were provided an update on recruitment, the strengthening of overall leadership and preparation for the Annual Conversation with Ofsted. Members were also informed about the refurbishment of Metropolitan House which has facilitated the collation of teams into one building. The Board were also informed about assistance received from Stockport Council related to complex safeguarding. Members were advised of an increase in demand. MASH arrangements were being reviewed as well as processes. Members were also informed of the low number of agency staff and that turnover was low. Members commented on the reduction of agency staff. Members asked about social workers’ caseload and how this was being addressed. Members were informed that the caseloads remained variable. The services wanted stable coherent intervention for families. There was a focus to reduce agency staff further, have sustained caseloads at a reasonable level and to continue to work with families to improve their lives. Members sought and received clarification on Child Protection Plans which did fluctuate throughout the year. Members asked if there was a delay in decision making related to social workers’ caseloads. Member were informed there were areas within the team to be focussed upon. The challenge was around filling posts with experienced staff on a permanent basis. Members asked for clarification on the progress against the Improvement Plan and noted a number of areas where further work was required and asked what initiatives were being planned and action taken to move toward green. Members were informed of the work being undertaken to address the issues including the Assurance Board. Members asked about the meeting with Ofsted and were informed that this was part of the usual inspection framework followed by either a focused visit or a joint area thematic inspection.
RESOLVED that: 1. The update related to progress on the Children’s Social Care Transformation and Improvement Plans be noted. 2. An update be provided in September 2020.
Exclusion of the Press and Public That, in accordance with Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they contain exempt information under paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act, and it would not, on balance, be in the public interest to disclose the reports. Minutes: RESOLVED that, in accordance with Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they contain exempt information under paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act, and it would not, on balance, be in the public interest to disclose the reports. |
Oldham Opportunity Area Briefing - February 2020 Minutes: RESOLVED that the report and information provided in the confidential report be noted. |