Agenda item

The Virtual School


The Board gave consideration to a report which provided an overview of the work of the Virtual School and reported the education outcomes for Oldham’s Children Looked After (CLA).

The scope of the work undertaken by the Virtual School had developed significantly under new leadership and reported outcomes for children who were looked after compared favourably with national averages and that inclusion was a key priority in the coming year.  These themes emerged in the Ofsted report of the inspection of the Local Authority’s Children’s Services (ILACS) which included the Virtual School in January 2019. 

Increased staffing had enabled the development of PEP/ePEP processes, quality assurance and targeted Post 16 provision.  The Virtual School had engaged with key partners across education, children’s social care and wider agencies to develop understanding of the education needs of children looked after (CLA).  Following the introduction of new statutory guidance in September 2018, the Virtual School continued to ensure that partners in education and social care understood the new duties and associated roles and responsibilities. 

The Virtual School integrated its work with teams across the Education and Early Years’ service and closer working with the SEND team was improving practice. 

The most recently validated data (from 2017/18) confirmed that attainment and progress for CLA (OC2 cohort) was ranked within the top 25% nationally at the end of Key Stages 2 and 4.  The report outlined the significant improvement in outcomes.   Promoting attendance and reduction of exclusion were priorities for the Virtual School with its partners.  It was noted that the overall absence and persistent absence rates for the OC2 cohort increased between 2017 and 2018 and were now higher than CLA nationally and regionally.  CLA attendance data was now tracked by the Virtual School and informed case work for the Education Support Officers.  The members noted the impact of the Virtual School 2018/19 and the priorities for 2019/20.

Members commented that this was a positive report.  Members queried the NEETS figure and asked if this would be improved.  Members were informed that there was a designated officer in post, a link with Positive Steps with some provisional and preventative work.  Alternative qualifications were being reviewed. 

Members asked about authorised and unauthorised absences and what was being done to address the reasons.  Members were informed that this was being reviewed.  Officers had access to data, were looking at triggers in notification to contact social workers and reviewing continuous absence. Deeper implications of school moves were also being reviewed.

Members asked about the reasons for fixed term exclusions.  Members were informed that any pupil could be excluded and repeated exclusions were being reviewed to include how they could be prevented, review roles and responsibilities, provision planning, appropriate support, getting schools to integration meetings and challenging disruptive behaviour.

Members asked whether former students were involved with the Virtual School Governing Body.  Members were informed that one had but had since left, a new individual would be sought.  Members were also informed that the Virtual School had been inspected under the Young Inspectors scheme from representatives of the CIC Council and had received positive feedback.

Members also asked about skills-based training rather than values based and how much work was being done on developing emotional intelligence and strategies for life.  Members were informed that the appointment of engagement officers to review this, resilience, engagement with persistent absentees as well as targeting work in local residential provision was underway.

Members asked about the priorities for 2019/20 and how far they had been delivered and were informed about appointment of officers, how the challenge was being managed, challenges with the completion of post-16 pep which now had day to day oversight and work underway with integrated partners.  An educational psychologist had also been funded full time and consultation sessions had been delivered.



1.       The report and information provided on the Virtual School be noted.

2.       An update be provided in 12 months’ time.


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