The Board gave consideration to an update on the GM2040 Transport Strategy, the GM2040 Delivery Plan and associated investment in transport infrastructure through the Council’s transports capital programme.
Members were advised that the strategy was currently being refreshed in response to changes in the transport opportunities and challenges facing Greater Manchester such as the declaration by the Greater Manchester Combined Authority of a Climate Emergency, the development of the GM Spatial Framework and the GM Mayor’s priorities such as those set out in ‘Our Network’ plan to create an integrated, modern and accessible public transport system.
The GM2040 Transport Strategy was supported by a Five-Year GM2040 Delivery Plan, which was also being updated to reflect the GM Spatial Framework Transport Evidence and Localities work. ‘Our Network’ and its 10-year delivery timescales and a proposed review of schemes in the context of carbon focused Right-Mix targets and the latest position on funding.
Consideration was also currently being given to including a new feature in the GM2040 Delivery Plan, and a District Local Implementation Plan (DLIP) which would set out local transport priorities for each district and be appended to the main Delivery Plan. The refreshed GM Transport Strategy would be published in the summer alongside an updated GM2040 Delivery Plan and the GM Spatial Framework.
The GM Transport Strategy was supported by many sub-strategies which varied significantly in their nature and stage of development. Some strategies were intended to be public facing documents and other provided officers with toolkits to guide investment decisions. An update on the development and implementation of several key GM 2040 sub-strategies was given in the report including Streets for All, Made to Move and the Bee Network, Change a Region to Change a Nation and Bus Reform/Local Bus Strategy.
Funding for the delivery of the GM2040 Transport Strategy was outlined in the report with particular focus on capital investment to maintain and improve the transport network in Oldham, which was delivered through Oldham’s transport capital programme. Appendix 1 to the report contained details of investment programmes in the current three-year programme.
Securing external funding to invest in transport infrastructure in Oldham was a Council priority. The report provided updates on several bidding competitions through which the Council is hoping to secure additional funding for transport infrastructure.
Members asked for and received clarification on the following:
· Movement on reaching the carbon neutral target – this was be addressed under the Council’s Green New Deal Strategy
· Streets for All – the original piece of work had been completed, a quality bus transit study would look in more detail to identify schemes which could be delivered. Members were also provided information related to a demonstrator corridor across Greater Manchester.
· Highway Maintenance Challenge Fund submissions – the Council was waiting for confirmation.
· Future High Streets Fund – Members were informed that Regeneration were leading on this work.
· Bus Reform and the effect on quality bus transit schemes – Members were informed that engagement with operators was part of the scheme.
· Members asked if there was potential similar to ‘Our Pass’ for a pass for homeless people – Members were informed that this would need to be raised with the Mayor of Greater Manchester and TfGM.
· New Bike Hire Scheme and any similarity to the old scheme – Members were informed that the scheme was being led by the Commissioner and was initially for the City Centre and Salford;
· Funding for trams on a route for Middleton – officers were not aware of this.
· Quantity of charging points to meet the carbon neutral challenge and the move toe electric cars – members were informed of proposals, installation of points where the network could be expanded and that work was ongoing.
· Confusion of fares – members were informed that this formed part of the bus franchising consultation. The transport system at this time was not integrated and why GM were looking at the possibility of controlling ticketing with a smart system. GM had no power at this moment on fares.
· Encouragement of Cycling – members were informed that this was about behavioural change which included walking on shorter journeys and public transport for longer journeys and was being addressed by the Sustainable Journeys team.
Members commented on the incredible amount of work detailed in the report and asked how progress would be monitored. Members were informed TGFM produced a progress report annually. As information became available, Overview and Scrutiny would be informed.
1. The GM2040 Delivery Plan and Transport Capital Programme Annual Update be noted.
2. An update on the GM2040 Delivery Plan be brought to Overview and Scrutiny in 12 months-time.
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