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By name:
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Adams, Christine Adams
Akhtar, Shoab Akhtar
Al-Hamdani, Sam Al-Hamdani
Ali, Mohon Ali
Ali, Zaheer Ali
Arnott, Dave Arnott
Aslam, Naseem Aslam
Azad, Montaz Ali Azad
Ball, Sandra Ball
Bashforth, Marie Bashforth
Bishop, Helen Bishop
Brownridge, Barbara Brownridg
Byrne, Pam Byrne
Charters, Josh Charters
Chauhan, Zahid Chauhan OBE
Chowhan, Naveed Chowhan
Cosgrove, Angela Cosgrove
Davis, Peter Davis
Dean, Peter Dean
Ghafoor, Kamran Ghafoor
Goodwin, Chris Goodwin
Hamblett, Louie Hamblett
Harkness, Garth Harkness
Harrison, Holly Harrison
Hince, Marc Hince
Hindle, Neil Hindle
Hobin, Brian Hobin
Hughes, Jade Hughes
Hurley, Maggie Hurley
Hussain, Aftab Hussain
Hussain, Fida Hussain
Hussain, Junaid Hussain
Hussain, Sajed Hussain
Ibrahim, Nyla Ibrahim
Iqbal, Nadeem Iqbal
Islam, Mohammed Nazrul Islam
Jabbar, Abdul Jabbar MBE
Kenyon, Mark Kenyon
Kouser, Aisha Kouser
Lancaster, Luke Lancaster
Malik, Abdul Malik
Marland, Alicia Marland
McLaren, Colin McLaren
Moores, Eddie Moores
Murphy, Dave Murphy
Mushtaq, Shaid Mushtaq
Nasheen, Umar Nasheen
Navesey, Lisa Navesey
Quigg, Lewis Quigg
Rustidge, Ken Rustidge
Shah, Arooj Shah
Sharp, Beth Sharp
Sheldon, Graham Sheldon
Shuttleworth, Graham Shuttlew
Sykes, Howard Sykes MBE
Taylor, Elaine Taylor
Wahid, Abdul Wahid
Wilkinson, Mark Wilkinson
Williamson, Diane Williamson
Woodvine, Max Woodvine
By political party:
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Liberal Democrats
Oldham Group
Labour and Co-operative
Failsworth Independent Party
Independent Group
Royton Independents
or by ward:
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Chadderton Central
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Saddleworth South
Saddleworth West & Lees
St James
St Mary's
or by postcode:
e.g. M24 1GN
or by part of their name:
Results by ward: Failsworth East
Neil Hindle
Failsworth East
Failsworth Independent Party
Brian Hobin
Failsworth East
Failsworth Independent Party
Ken Rustidge
Failsworth East
Labour and Co-operative