Efforts are made to ensure that as much as
possible of the Cabinet's business is done in public
meetings. Cabinet will meet in private
when it might consider items that include information that, if
discussed in public, might prejudice the public
interest. Examples might be:
The value of land that the Council wishes to
sell, which might affect the price negotiated if discussed in
public the details of proposed contracts for goods, services or
works that might reveal commercially confidential information or
might affect the price the Council has to pay information about an
Details of the type information that might be
discussed in private are set out in the Council's access to
information rules within the
Council’s Constitution. Where
an item is discussed in private, any report discussed may be
released after the meeting on request, with any private information
In accordance with regulation 5 of The Local
Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to
Information) (England) Regulations 2012 notice is given of the
intention to hold part of the meeting of the Cabinet in private.
This will allow consideration of agenda items containing
confidential or exempt information. The full list of business will
be published in the agenda 5 clear days before the meeting is to
take place If representations wish to be made about holding part of
the meeting in private, please send to constitutional.services@oldham.gov.uk
Cabinet is a group of nine elected members responsible for the
overall business of the Council.
Cabinet comprises the Leader of the Council who is the Chairperson,
and eight other members appointed by the Leader.
Cabinet member has a defined portfolio of responsibilities linked
to the Council’s range of services.
Cabinet Members have a shared and individual responsibility for
developing and implementing the Council’s policy, performance
and budget framework.
The Forward Plan is published every month and
lists key decisions to be made by the Cabinet within the following
four months to allow at least 28 clear days’ notice.
For further details of the
Cabinet, please follow this link: https://www.oldham.gov.uk/cabinet
Leader of the Council
Leader chairs the Council’s Cabinet meeting and is
accountable for proposing and directing the overall strategy,
budget and policy arrangements of the Council.
Leader of the Council and executive leader is Councillor
Shah who is elected by
members of the Council.
It is
the responsibility of the Leader to ‘lead the Council’,
build a vision for the district and represent Oldham at regional
and national events.
Leader also provides community leadership to those organisations
that work closely with the Council.
Leader of the Opposition
Leader of the Opposition is Councillor
Howard Sykes who shadows
and scrutinises the Leader of the Council and Cabinet in the
undertaking of their duties.
Leader of the Opposition acts as the principal spokesperson for the
Opposition Group of which they are leader and establishes and
represents the views of the group on issues of policy and