Venue: Crompton Suite, Civic Centre, Oldham, West Street, Oldham, OL1 1NL. View directions
Contact: Liz Drogan 0161 770 4705
No. | Item |
Apologies For Absence Minutes: There were no apologies for absence received. |
Urgent Business Urgent business, if any, introduced by the Chair Minutes: There were no items of urgent business received. |
Declarations of Interest To Receive Declarations of Interest in any Contract or matter to be discussed at the meeting. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest received. |
Public Question Time To receive Questions from the Public, in accordance with the Council’s Constitution. Minutes: There were np public questions received. |
Minutes of Previous Meeting PDF 163 KB The Minutes of the meeting of the Cabinet held on 25th February 2019 are attached for approval. Minutes: RESOLVED - That the minutes of the meeting held on 25th February 2019 be approved as a correct record.
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Cabinet gave consideration to a report of the Director of Environmental Management which summarised the key features of Greater Manchester’s feasibility study and Outline Business Case (OBC) to reduce nitrogen dioxide exceedances in Oldham and across Greater Manchester, in the shortest possible time including the introduction of Clean Air Zones. The OBC had been developed by Oldham Council collectively with all the Greater Manchester Local Authorities and Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) and coordinated by Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM) in line with Governmental direction and guidance. It was reported that a ‘public conversation’ was proposed to run between early May and min June to help further inform the work, this would supplement the more targeted stakeholder engagement that was ongoing with affected business. The engagement process would inform the further development of the measures identified in the Outline Business Case. It was noted that it was important to recognise the clear differences between Clean Air Zones and Congestion Charging Systems, the objective of any penalty in a Clear Air Zone was for all vehicles which drive within the zone to have engines which complied with emissions standards, unlike a congestion charge which sought to reduce the number of vehicles on the road. Members welcomed the proposals and discussed the involvement of schools in the promotion of Clean Air. It was further noted that consultation with stakeholders including Private Hire Taxis had been very positive. Options/Alternatives Option 1 – Approve the Outline Business case for submission to the Government’s Joint Air Quality Unit Option 2 – Do not approve the Outline Business case for submission to the Government’s Joint Air Quality Unit.
RESOLEVD – That: 1. The feasibility study undertaken to date be adopted. 2. Further stakeholder engagement and public consultation was an essential part of the process to help inform and refine ongoing work to produce a Full Business Case by the end of the calendar year; 3. The Outline Business Case (for submission to the government's Joint Air Quality Unit) be approved. 4. The commencement of the public conversation and engagement activity from 15 May 2019 be approved. 5. Further reports would be submitted to Cabinet on: · the proposals for statutory consultation, informed by the outcome of the public conversation and engagement. · formal approval of the Full Business Case. 6. Transport for Greater Manchester to continue with the activity to produce the Full Business Case on their behalf under the direction of the Greater Manchester Clean Air Steering Group; and 7. Authority be delegated to Deputy Chief Executive (People and Place) and the Portfolio holder (Neighbourhoods) for the approval of submission of supplementary information.
Proposed Revisions to the Co-operative Approach to the Use of Council Assets Policy PDF 352 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: Consideration was given to a report of the Deputy Chief Executive, People and Place which sought approval for proposed revisions to the existing Co-operative Approach to the Use of Assets with a view to promoting an alternative approach to improve and streamline the process. It was noted that the revised policy would:
Options/Alternatives considered Option 1 – To retain the current approach to the use of Council Assets policy and the Council’s approach to community assets transfer. Option 2 - In order to improve / streamline the CAT process and as a means of objectively filtering expressions of interest from community groups etc to agree to:- · The proposed revisions to the Co-operative Approach to the Use of Council Assets Policy. · Use of the application form and assessment matrix with effect from the 1 April 2019. · The Council limiting applicants to a period of 12 months in which to complete a lease otherwise the group had to either re-apply or the Council may opt to withdraw and re-categorise the asset to the Surplus Estate for subsequent disposal if substantive / meaningful progress towards a CAT is not made by the applicant / group. · Where the Council had yet to receive a full business case from existing CAT applicants (ie as indicated in Appendix 2), then they were to be requested to complete the application form and also advised of the assessment matrix / the revised process / time limits to progress matters as outlined above. · Note that groups occupying Council assets and where no formal lease was currently in place that the Council would no longer be in a position to cover the running costs and repairs & maintenance. Notice periods and engagement with groups would follow if this was approved.
RESOLVED – That the proposed amendments to the Council’s current Cooperative approach to the Use of Council’s Assets policy be approved to clarify the process of Community Asset Transfer from both the Council’s and Applicant’s perspective. |
3-Year Highways Improvement Programme (2019/20 - 2021/22) PDF 183 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: Consideration was given to a report of the Deputy Chief Executive, People and Place which sought approval of the 3 year Highways Improvement Programme as discussed ad agreed with Members during January 2019 based on good practice and ensuring best value for future investment. The report also sought approval for all tender awards decisions, including those of a value of over £400,000 in the 3 year Highways Improvement Programme to be delegated to the Cabinet Member for Neighbourhood Services and the Deputy Chief Executive, People and Place to meet delivery timescales. Members welcomed the report and the input from elected Members at District level. It was noted that the list of programmed works would be published on the Council’s website ensuring it was clear to residents which highways were in scope for the 3 year programme. Options/Alternatives considered Option 1 – Members to agree: · The 3-Year Highways Improvement Programme, as appended to this report; · That all tender award decisions, including those with a value of over £400,000, in the Highways Improvement Programme be delegated to the Cabinet Member for Neighbourhood Services and the Deputy Chief Executive – People and Place; · That any underspend generated across the programme be used to deliver further schemes on the approved list in priority order (although lower priority schemes may be selected depending on available budget, value for money and type of treatment) without having to gain further approval. Option 2 – Members do not agree the report recommendations.
RESOLVED – That: 1. The 3-Year Highways Improvement Programme, as appended to this report be approved. 2. All tender award decisions, including those with a value of over £400,000, in the Highways Improvement Programme be delegated to the Cabinet Member for Neighbourhood Services and the Deputy Chief Executive – People and Place; 3. Any underspend generated across the programme be used to deliver further schemes on the approved list in priority order (although lower priority schemes may be selected depending on available budget, value for money and type of treatment) without having to gain further approval.
Revenue Monitor and Capital Investment Programme 2018/19 Month 9 - December 2018 PDF 163 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Cabinet gave consideration to a report of the Director of Finance which provided Members with an update on the Council’s 2018/19 forecast revenue budget position and the financial position of the capital programme as at 31 December 2018, (quarter 3) together with the revised capital programme 2018/23. Revenue Position The current forecast outturn position for 2018/19 was a projected favourable variance of £0.255m after allowing for approved and pending transfers to and from reserves. The most significant area of concern was the People and Place Portfolio, and an update on the major issues driving the projections were detailed at Annex 1 of the report. The overall corporate position was being managed by offsetting favourable variances, most notably from Capital, Treasury and Corporate Accounting budgets, in part caused by the anticipated cost of borrowing and capital finance being lower than budgeted and the availability of additional Treasury Management income and unringfenced grants not allocated to service budgets. Housing Revenue Account and Dedicated Schools Grant Information on the quarter 3 position of the Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) and Housing Revenue Account (HRA) and collection fund was also outlined in the report. There were no significant issues of concern in relation to the HRA and Collection Fund however the DSG continued to be an area facing a financial challenge with an increase in the projected year-end deficit. Action was being taken to bring the DSG towards a balanced budget. Capital Position The most up to date capital spending proposals for 2018/23 were provided to Members. The revised Capital programme budget was £48.267m at the close of month 9, a net decrease of £41.706m from the original budget of £89.658 and a reduction of £0.571m from the £49.391m reported at month 8. Actual expenditure to 31st December 2018 was £36.507m (75.64% of forecast outturn). It was reported that at this stage in the financial year, the forecast position would continue to change with additional re-profiling into future years. Options/Alternatives considered Option 1 – To approve the forecast revenue and capital positions presented in the report including proposed changes. Option 2 – To approve some of the forecasts and changes detailed within the report. Option 3 – Not to approve any of the forecasts and changes detailed within the report.
Local Taxation and Benefits Discretionary Policies 2019/20 PDF 257 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Consideration was given to a report of the Director of Finance which sought approval for Local Taxation and Benefits Discretionary Polices for 2019/20, covering Discretionary Council Tax Discounts, discretionary Business Rate Relief, Local Welfare Provision and Discretionary Housing payments. The report provided the full detail of proposed updates to the discretionary policies used to support Local Taxation and Benefits administration i.e. Council Tax, Business Rates, Housing Benefits and Council Tax Reduction administration. The policies and proposed changes were: The Discretionary Council Tax Discounts Policy · To widen the Council Tax discount for Care Leavers to support Care Leavers up to the age of 25. · To introduce criteria to set out the circumstances in which the Council will support those experiencing exceptional financial hardship in paying their Council Tax. · To incorporate these two areas of discretionary support into one overarching Discretionary Council Tax Discounts Policy. The Discretionary Rate Relief Policy · To incorporate details of the new Retail Discount Policy · Revision of the policy to reflect the removal of Central Government funded Pub Relief and Local Newspaper Relief schemes · An adjustment to the Discretionary Revaluation Relief policy to re-introduce the requirement for businesses to apply for this relief and to reflect reduced Government funding in the third year of the scheme. The Local Welfare Provision Policy · To include reference to supporting care leavers up to the age of 25 via this scheme The Discretionary Housing Payment Policy · To include reference to supporting care leavers under 25 · To adjust the criteria setting out the period of time for which an award will be granted to support those needing help in meeting their housing costs. This will normally be 26 weeks. Members welcomed the changes to the policies particularly the proposal to widen the Council Tax discount for Care Leavers to support Care Leavers up to the age of 25. Options/Alternatives Option 1 - Members could choose to not to agree the changes in relation to each of the proposed revisions to discretionary policies. Option 2 – Approve the Local Taxation and Benefits Discretionary Policies. Option 2 – Approve some of the proposed changes to Local Taxation and Benefits Discretionary Policies.
RESOLVED - The Local Taxation and Benefits’ Discretionary Policies for the 2019/20 financial year (as presented at Appendices 1 to 4) be approved, including revisions to address legislative and local issues.
Human Resource Payroll Business System PDF 142 KB Minutes: Consideration was given to a report of the Deputy Chief Executive, Corporate and Commercial which sought approval of the procurement and implementation of a new proprietary Human Resources Payroll System. The system was required to meet the ambition of the Council and its partners to implement a single system predicated on next generation technology on a loud based architecture which aligned with the Council’s IT and digital strategy, enabled greater efficiency and effectiveness in the delivery of support services and created an opportunity of growth of HR and payroll as a traded service in the future. Options/Alternatives Option 1 – Do nothing. Option 2 – Consolidate to one of the systems. Option 3 – Outsource to 3rd party- Managed Service Option 4 – Procure and Implement new propriety HRP System.
RESOLVED – That the Cabinet would consider the commercially sensitive information contained at Item 14 before making a decision.
Non-Domestic Rates 2019-20 PDF 167 KB Minutes: Consideration was given to a report of the Director of Finance which sought approval to a request for deferment on Non-Domestic Rates payments for part of the financial year 2019/20. The Council had been approached by a local business with a request to defer its Non-Domestic Rates payments 2019/20. Options/Alternatives Option 1 – Refuse the proposed deferment of Non-Domestic Rates. Option 2 – Accept the proposed deferment of Non-Domestic Rates.
RESOLVED – That the Cabinet would consider the commercially sensitive information contained at Item 15 of the agenda before making a decision. |
Exclusion of the Press and Public That, in accordance with Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they contain exempt information under paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act, and it would not, on balance, be in the public interest to disclose the reports. Minutes: RESOLVED that, in accordance with Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they contain exempt information under paragraphs 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act, and it would not, on balance, be in the public interest to disclose the reports. |
Human Resource Payroll Business System
Minutes: The Cabinet gave consideration to the commercially sensitive information in relation to Item 11 - Human Resource Payroll Business System.
RESOLVED – That the recommendations as detailed within the commercially sensitive report be approved. |
Non-Domestic Rates 2019-20
Minutes: The Cabinet gave consideration to the commercially sensitive information in relation to Item 12 - Non-Domestic Rates 2019-20.
RESOLVED – That the Cabinet approved the request for the deferment of Non-Domestic Rates Payments for 2019/20 from the Local business as detailed within the commercially sensitive report. |