The Cabinet gave consideration to a report of the Director of Environmental Management which summarised the key features of Greater Manchester’s feasibility study and Outline Business Case (OBC) to reduce nitrogen dioxide exceedances in Oldham and across Greater Manchester, in the shortest possible time including the introduction of Clean Air Zones.
The OBC had been developed by Oldham Council collectively with all the Greater Manchester Local Authorities and Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) and coordinated by Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM) in line with Governmental direction and guidance.
It was reported that a ‘public conversation’ was proposed to run between early May and min June to help further inform the work, this would supplement the more targeted stakeholder engagement that was ongoing with affected business. The engagement process would inform the further development of the measures identified in the Outline Business Case.
It was noted that it was important to recognise the clear differences between Clean Air Zones and Congestion Charging Systems, the objective of any penalty in a Clear Air Zone was for all vehicles which drive within the zone to have engines which complied with emissions standards, unlike a congestion charge which sought to reduce the number of vehicles on the road.
Members welcomed the proposals and discussed the involvement of schools in the promotion of Clean Air.
It was further noted that consultation with stakeholders including Private Hire Taxis had been very positive.
Option 1 – Approve the Outline Business case for submission to the Government’s Joint Air Quality Unit
Option 2 – Do not approve the Outline Business case for submission to the Government’s Joint Air Quality Unit.
1. The feasibility study undertaken to date be adopted.
2. Further stakeholder engagement and public consultation was an essential part of the process to help inform and refine ongoing work to produce a Full Business Case by the end of the calendar year;
3. The Outline Business Case (for submission to the government's Joint Air Quality Unit) be approved.
4. The commencement of the public conversation and engagement activity from 15 May 2019 be approved.
5. Further reports would be submitted to Cabinet on:
· the proposals for statutory consultation, informed by the outcome of the public conversation and engagement.
· formal approval of the Full Business Case.
6. Transport for Greater Manchester to continue with the activity to produce the Full Business Case on their behalf under the direction of the Greater Manchester Clean Air Steering Group; and
7. Authority be delegated to Deputy Chief Executive (People and Place) and the Portfolio holder (Neighbourhoods) for the approval of submission of supplementary information.
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