Dave Arnott

Profile image for Dave Arnott

Party: Conservative

Ward: Royton North

Other councillors representing this Ward:

Surgery details

If you have any queries or problems that need to be discussed with your Conservative Councillors, please contact:

Councillor D Arnott
Tel: 07904 902 475

Contact information

Correspondence address: 
c/o Members Services
Civic Centre
West Street

Email:  Dave.Arnott@oldham.gov.uk

Mobile:  07904 902475

Download Dave Arnott contact details as VCard

Committee appointments

Appointments to outside bodies


Cllr Dave Arnott – Royton North Ward




      Reduction in crime and antisocial behaviour

      Action on fly tipping and littering

      Protection of our green spaces

      Improvements and repairs to our roads and pavements

      Improvements to local social, leisure and sports facilities

      Support for local charities and initiatives

      Support for veterans

      A fair deal for Royton from council funding


Training Completed

      Planning Committee Members Training

      Licensing Members Training

      Safeguarding Members Training

      CIPFA Audit Committee Training



Work in the community


Planned and secured funding from LIF for improvements and upgrades in Dogford Park

Secured funding and completion of repairs to Irk Valley pathway

Coordinated and funded street poppies and Armed Services flags for Remembrance Day service 

Grant funding for RBL 100 Project and Royton Cricket Club.



Contact Me


E: dave.arnott@oldham.gov.uk

M: 07904 902475

Facebook www.facebook.com/cllrdavearnott


