Party: Liberal Democrats
Ward: Crompton
Other councillors representing this Ward:
Parish: Shaw and Crompton Parish - North Ward
Thursday 19 December 2024
7.30pm – 8.30pm
Councillors Louie Hamblett, Dave Murphy or Diane Williamson (Liberal Democrat)
Lifelong Learning Centre
High Street
Oldham OL2 8TB
Thursday 09 January 2025
7.30pm – 8.30pm
Councillors Louie Hamblett, Dave Murphy or Diane Williamson (Liberal Democrat)
Lifelong Learning Centre
High Street
Oldham OL2 8TB
If you have any queries or problems that need to be discussed with your Liberal Democrat Councillor, please contact:
Councillor Louie Hamblett
Tel: 01706 660 806
Mob: 07971 363 794
Twitter: @LouieHamblett
Home address:
51 Assheton Road
High Crompton
Phone: 0161 770 0026
Correspondence address:
c/o Members Services
Level 4
Civic Centre
Download Louie Hamblett contact details as VCard
Cllr Louie Hamblett – CromptonWard
• Supporting residents and local businesses though COVID-19
• Listening to residents
• Environmental issues
• Championing highway and footpath issues
• Protecting Greenbelt and OPOL
• New Health Centre for Shaw and Crompton
• Demanding better for Crompton
• Working all year round not just at election time.
• Highway improvements which includes footpaths and safety
• Tackling Dog Fouling
• Mental Health and Keeping Fit
Work in thecommunity
· Demanding better for Crompton.
· Ensuing that Oldham Council’s senior executive staff are aware of some of the projects we are working on as well as bringing issues to their attention when we require them.
• Working with Oldham Council staff along with working with partners such as First Choice Homes Oldham, Greater Manchester Police, Health and Social Care teams, Mio Care and Shaw and Crompton Parish Council. Thank you for all your hard work; we really appreciate everything each and every one does to make sure Crompton and Oldham is a great place to live, work and enjoy.
• Knocking on doors all year round not just at election time and ensuring regular newsletters are delivered to every household in the ward.
• Providing regular updates on Twitter and Facebook.
• Working alongside ward colleagues to bring together the “I Love Crompton” campaign – banners are on lampposts around the ward, together with stickers on bins to remind residents to pick up after their dogs and remember to put their own rubbish in it.
• Attended all full Oldham Council meetings, made observations, and asked questions on minutes as well as submitted motions to influence policy and procedures.
• Attend ward surgeries, organised every week, on a rota basis with my Shaw and Crompton colleagues – this allows me to listen to residents' concerns personally, rather than them having to put it in an email.
• I am the Shadow Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care, which I really enjoy as it gives me the opportunity to hold the administration to account while also offering other alternatives.
• I chair The Autism Way Forward Board on which we discuss ways to champion the Autism Strategy and improve lives for those with Autism and SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities).
• Attend the Learning Disability Partnership Board where I hold members to account and discuss ways to champion the Learning Disability Strategy and improve lives for those with SEND.
• I am a member of Shaw and Crompton Parish Council and I am currently its Vice Chair and Vice Chair of the Events, Promotions and Grants Committee.
• Attended the mandatory training on “Safeguarding – Children and Adults” – “Appeals Home to school Transport Committee”
• Continue to campaign to get a new Health Centre for the residents of Shaw and Crompton.
• Shaw and Crompton Councillors met with the Accountable Officer from the Clinical Commissioning Group (NHS) to raise concerns over the GP Practices in Royton and Crompton Health Centre and the services they provide. We have chased the progress of the New Health Centre in Shaw.
• Lancashire Day was on 27 November 2021 and this year the Lancashire flag was flown in High Crompton Park. Followed by the proclamation from Shaw and Crompton’s Town Crier and attended by Shaw and Crompton Parish Council Chairman.
• Changes in bus services continue to be a problem for residents in Crompton - we continue to work with TfGM to find solutions to make the best of a bad situation.
• We have ensured our young people have something to do in the school holidays by funding activities throughout Shaw and Crompton.
• Continuing to sort local environmental issues such as dog fouling, litter, and fly-tipping
• I continue to raise concerns about the state of the roads, and I'm working to fix potholes, surface erosion and make sure poor roads are part of a programmed works plan for replacement or treatment.
• Supporting community groups such as High Crompton Park Friends Group and Homewatch Groups.
• Member of MIO (Made In Oldham) Care appointed by the Council –Thoroughly enjoyed participating in the meetings as board member, I attend the Health Scrutiny Board where I can observe Oldham and GM-wide health plans plus adding my own suggestions. I also sit on many other outside GM Health-related bodies.
• In addition, I offer general support for Crompton Cricket, Crompton Bowling Clubs, and Crompton Football Club – where we have used our ward budget to purchase football kits with the message ‘Love Crompton’ to inspire the next generation of young people to ‘Love Where They Live’.
• Working with community groups to help organise this year’s Jubilee Festivities.
• Worked with the Shaw and Crompton Events Group to host the Christmas Lights Event in Shaw town centre and support them in their fundraising attempts as well as their St George’s Day Event.
• Supported events such as The Tour of Britain Bike Race and hope to see the continuation of such a great legacy such as organising bike rides through Shaw and Crompton.
• Attended the Holocaust Remembrance Service at Crompton War Memorial.
• Support the High Crompton Park Friends to keep our park beautiful.
• Event lighting has now been achieved on The Big Lamp roundabout, the tree will be lit in various colours to celebrate the saints of the UK as well as Easter, Christmas and Pride events.
• My colleagues are committed to providing AEDs in the ward of Crompton.
• Working to obtain poppies to project onto Crompton War Memorial.
• Continue to support local residents by providing a refill for the grit bins that we have bought them when the area does not meet the Council’s criteria.
• Safeguarding land as well as saving council money by introducing Wildflower Meadow Schemes at various sites in Crompton ward.
• Working with tenders for the High Crompton Park to provide a Community Café.
• Working with Council Officers to safeguard a car park in High Crompton to ensure residents continue to have free parking.
• Established and continue to support the Homewatch schemes in Crompton, I continue to work with my colleague Cllrs Williamson and Murphy - we have already established and support two and will work with other areas to set up more.
• A scheme in place to protect High Crompton Post Office from ram raiders – (location junction of Thornham Road/Rochdale Road)
• Funded guard rails to ensure highway safety at High Crompton Post Office.
• Delivered the project of Love Where You Live banners showing the message of no dog fouling and no litter fitted to columns at gateways such as Shaw Road – (location - Shaw Road nr Albion Gardens Close) with more banners in other areas.
• Provide a regular Focus Newsletter letting residents know what local Councillors are up to, which includes a free post comments section.
• Continue to attend flooding meetings with a project in Crompton working with partners such as United Utilities, Environment Agency, and Oldham Council Officers – also cross party working with colleagues in Royton North and Royton South.
T: 01706
660 806
M: 07971 363 794