Marie Bashforth

Profile image for Marie Bashforth

Title: Deputy Cabinet Member for Public Health

Party: Labour

Ward: Royton South

Other councillors representing this Ward:

Surgery details

If you have any queries or problems that need to be discussed with your Labour Councillors, please contact:

Councillor M Bashforth
Tel: 01706 290 313

Contact information

Home address: 
53 Penthorpe Drive

Phone:  01706 290 313

Bus. email:

Download Marie Bashforth contact details as VCard

Committee appointments

Appointments to outside bodies


Cllr Marie Bashforth – Royton South Ward                     

My Ward priorities

  • My primary role is to represent Royton
    South Ward and the people who live here
  • To respond to resident’s queries and
    investigate their concerns.
    Listening to
    residents and then representing their
    views on council. 




  • Communication with residents by
    telephone or email, always a top priority.


  • Surgeries Face to face meetings with residents have been difficult over the last two years, however we are putting these back into place now and looking towards setting up surgeries again. A different location will be necessary due to the renovation work currently being carried out on Royton Town Hall.


  • Street Surgeries - Along with face-to-face surgeries, street surgeries have always worked well and they mean we can get to speak to the residents who want to talk to and tell us their issues.


  • Royton Town Hall and Library – Work continues on Royton Town Hall and the Library. The project is ongoing, and is progressing, which is exciting.  The Town Hall will remain the Hub of the town for residents and we want the Town Hall to be accessible and usable for everyone. This will include a fit for purpose library, that everyone can use in all sorts of different ways.


  • Growth and Development of Royton Centre - We are working with private and public sector partners to support that growth and development.


  • Building on our unique heritage - wanting to make Royton a thriving place to live, work and socialise. We are promoting volunteering opportunities so residents can get involved in the community and do their bit.


  • Outdoor Spaces - We also want to increase the use of our outdoor spaces; we have some lovely parks and walking trails.  And these spaces provide an opportunity for residents to take control and improve their health.  There are local sports and park clubs to be used, so promoting these activities is important.



Work in thecommunity

Personal Casework directed to me from residents

  Meeting with residents one to one or in larger groups and by telephone and email. 

  Along with this work I am also involved in;

-        Supporting residents whilst work is taking place in their immediate area due to private land development to ensure all planning criteria is being followed and when this is not happening to ensure we act on their behalf to correct any breaches of the planning conditions.

-        Providing a bridge between residents and the council.

-        Being an advocate for local residents and signposting them to the right people at the council.

-        Keeping residents informed about the issues that affect them.

-        Don’t Trash Oldham - attending regular Litter Picks around the area.


As much as I did come into my local political role to be here for local residents, over the years it has become clear to me that by taking on more ‘council based’ roles I can actually do more for our residents in the borough and in Royton. Everything I become involved in comes back to my work and life in Royton.

The roles I have taken, have involved work that is borough wide, remembering that Royton is part of the borough, and that all the subjects and areas that are covered and improved mean that the whole of the borough benefit from decisions made and improvements made to all the services involved in that role, this would include Royton and Royton residents.


  • Chair of the Health and Well Being Board (2020 to 2023) - to have a say and input on how our Health and Well Being Services are commissioned and delivered throughout the borough. The Board brings together a large group of people and is always very well attended.  We have GPs, Nurse Practitioners, Care Providers, Housing Providers, the police, community residents and the voluntary sectors.

Our biggest and most recent work is around the very clear and worrying health inequalities in our borough. Everyone involved with this Board have a vital role into looking at why we have these inequalities, what they can lead to, and what can be done to bring about positive changes.


  • Performance Overview and Scrutiny committee (2022 to 2023) – Challenging and improving performance, supporting the achievement of value for money, Support the role of the Council in community leadership, reporting on issues affecting the borough, and the work of public bodies in the area. Acting as a ‘critical friend’ to the Cabinet by reviewing policy, decisions, performance.





T: 01706 290313



Face to face surgeries  are planned and will commence as soon as possible. Alternative location is being looked at.  Until then residents can contact me via email or telephone. I will ensure to be available to help and support our community in this way. Also

