Title: Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Value for Money and Sustainability
Party: Labour
Ward: Coldhurst
Other councillors representing this Ward:
If you have any queries or problems that need to be discussed with your Labour Councillor, please contact:
Councillor A Jabbar MBE (Labour)
Tel: 0161 770 4031
Correspondence address:
Members’ Secretariat
Level 3
Civic Centre ,West Street
Bus. phone: 0161 770 4031
Email: abdul.jabbar@oldham.gov.uk
Download Abdul Jabbar MBE contact details as VCard
Cllr Abdul Jabbar – Coldhurst Ward
· Campaigning against littering
· Tackling anti-social behaviour
· Raising awareness of green issues and tackle climate change
· Supporting residents with Covid-19 Grants
· Supporting independent local Businesses
Training Completed
· All statutory safeguarding training & attended Climate Changed Training
Work in thecommunity
· Secured funding for resurfacing of Highfield Street, Neville Street, Ellen Street, Garforth Street and Martha Street
· Sponsored a local improvement fund bid for creating a pocket park at Martha Street and Ripon Street
· Campaigning to raise awareness of how to stop the spread of Covid-19 including social media and TV broadcasts in different languages
· Promoted “Don’t Trash Oldham” and campaigned strongly against litter dropping in various parts of Coldhurst.
· Worked with the Police and other partner agencies to tackle anti-social behaviour in various locations.
· Campaigning to raise awareness on all green issues including using renewable technology to produce clean electricity.
· 100% attendance at Oldham Council meetings.
· Communicated with residents by telephone, email and Microsoft Teams / Zoom during COVID19 pandemic to tackle a range of problems.
· Supporting residents in Oldham on grants available during Covid pandemic.
· Secured funding for additional swings at Widdop Street pocket park and funding for additional play equipment at Cottom Street Pocket Park.
T: 0161 770 4031
Social Media www.facebook.com/cllrabduljabbar
Face to face Ward Surgeries see Council website for details. Please contact me by phone or email for any issues or problems