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The Council Constitution
Overview and Scrutiny Board meetings
Overview and Scrutiny Board members
Overview and Scrutiny Performance and Value for Money Select Committee
Declarations of interest
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Adults Social Care and Health
Alexandra Area Committee
Alexandra Area Committee Deleg
Appeals Committee
Appeals Committee (Home to Sch
Appeals Committee (Redundancy)
Appointments Committee
Area Committee Chairs
Association of Greater Manches
Audit Committee
Cabinet Sub Committee (BPT)
Cabinet Sub Committee (CAT)
Cabinet Sub-Committee (FTC)
Cabinet Sub-Committee (LIF)
Chadderton Area Committee
Chadderton District Executive
Chadderton District Partnershi
Chadderton District Partnershi
Charitable Trust Committee
Children and Young People Scru
Clayton Playing Fields
Coldhurst Area Committee
Coldhurst Area Committee Deleg
Commissioning Partnership Boar
Commons Registration Committee
Community Strategy and Cohesio
Con Group
Council (Extraordinary)
Diversity and Community Cohesi
East Oldham Area Committee
East Oldham Area Committee Bud
East Oldham Area Committee Del
East Oldham District Executive
East Oldham District Partnersh
East Oldham District Partnersh
East Oldham District Partnersh
Economic Prosperity Select Gro
Economy and Environment Overvi
Education, Skills and Training
Employment Committee
Failsworth & Hollinwood Area C
Failsworth & Hollinwood Area C
Failsworth & Hollinwood Distri
Failsworth & Hollinwood Distri
Failsworth & Hollinwood Distri
Failsworth Area Committee
Finance and Resources Overview
Governance, Strategy and Resou
Greater Manchester Combined Au
Health and Adult Social Servic
Health and Environment Overvie
Health and Social Services Ove
Health and Well Being Board
Health and Well Being Select G
Health Protection Sub-Committe
Health Scrutiny
Highway Regulation Committee
Highways Study Group
Hollinwood Area Committee
Hollinwood Area Committee Fina
Joint Health Overview and Scru
Joint People and Communities,
Joint Strategic Needs Assessme
Joint Young People & Lifelong
Key Decisions
Labour Group
Liberal Democrat Group
Licensing Committee
Licensing Driver Panel
Licensing Panel
Medlock Vale Area Committee
Medlock Vale Area Committee De
Member Training
Oldham District Executive
Oldham Shadow Health and Well
Oldham Town Centre Board
Overview and Scrutiny Board
Overview and Scrutiny Economic
Overview and Scrutiny Health a
Overview and Scrutiny Manageme
Overview and Scrutiny Manageme
Overview and Scrutiny Performa
Overview and Scrutiny Project
Overview and Scrutiny Safer an
People and Communities Overvie
Performance and Continuous Imp
Performance and Value for Mone
Performance Overview and Scrut
Petitioners' Panel
Place, Economic Growth and Env
Planning Committee
Police and Crime Panel
Policy Overview and Scrutiny C
Regeneration and Environment O
Regeneration and Lifelong Lear
Review Committee
Rochdale Canal Trust (AGM)
Rochdale Canal Trust Council o
Royton Area Committee
Royton Community Forum
Royton District Executive
Royton, Shaw & Crompton Area C
Royton, Shaw & Crompton Delega
Royton, Shaw & Crompton Delega
Royton, Shaw & Crompton Distri
Royton, Shaw & Crompton Distri
Saddleworth & Lees Area Commit
Saddleworth & Lees District Ex
Saddleworth & Lees District Pa
Saddleworth & Lees District Pa
Saddleworth Parish Council
Safer and Stronger Communities
Schools Forum
Selection Committee
Shareholder Committee
Shaw & Crompton Community Foru
Shaw and Crompton Area Committ
Shaw and Crompton District Exe
Shaw and Crompton Parish Counc
Shaw and Royton Area Committee
Shaw and Royton Area Committee
Standards Assessment Sub-Commi
Standards Assessment Sub-Commi
Standards Committee
Standards Determination Sub-Co
Standards Hearing Sub-Committe
Standards Sub-Committee
Town Centre Partnership
Urgent Decision Rule 13
Urgent Decision Rule 14
Werneth Area Committee
Werneth Community Forum
West Oldham Area Committee
West Oldham Area Committee Del
West Oldham District Executive
West Oldham District Partnersh
West Oldham District Partnersh
Young People and Lifelong Lear
Non Pecuniary
Personal and Prejudicial
Adams, Christine Adams
Akhtar, Shoab Akhtar
Al-Hamdani, Sam Al-Hamdani
Ali, Mohon Ali
Ali, Zaheer Ali
Arnott, Dave Arnott
Aslam, Naseem Aslam
Azad, Montaz Ali Azad
Ball, Sandra Ball
Bashforth, Marie Bashforth
Bashforth, Steven Bashforth
Birch, Ros Birch
Bishop, Helen Bishop
Blyth, Rod Blyth
Brownridge, Barbara Brownridg
Byrne, Pam Byrne
Chadderton, Amanda Chadderton
Charters, Josh Charters
Chauhan, Zahid Chauhan OBE
Chowhan, Naveed Chowhan
Cosgrove, Angela Cosgrove
Davis, Peter Davis
Dean, Peter Dean
Fielding, Sean Fielding
Fryer, Paul Fryer
Ghafoor, Kamran Ghafoor
Gloster, Hazel Gloster
Goodwin, Chris Goodwin
Hamblett, Louie Hamblett
Harkness, Garth Harkness
Harrison, Holly Harrison
Harrison, Jenny Harrison
Hince, Marc Hince
Hindle, Neil Hindle
Hobin, Brian Hobin
Hughes, Jade Hughes
Hurley, Maggie Hurley
Hussain, Aftab Hussain
Hussain, Fida Hussain
Hussain, Junaid Hussain
Hussain, Sajed Hussain
Ibrahim, Nyla Ibrahim
Iqbal, Nadeem Iqbal
Irfan, Muhammad Irfan
Islam, Mohammed Nazrul Islam
Jabbar, Abdul Jabbar MBE
Kenyon, Mark Kenyon
Kouser, Aisha Kouser
Lancaster, Luke Lancaster
Malik, Abdul Malik
Marland, Alicia Marland
McLaren, Colin McLaren
Moores, Eddie Moores
Murphy, Dave Murphy
Mushtaq, Shaid Mushtaq
Nasheen, Umar Nasheen
Navesey, Lisa Navesey
Quigg, Lewis Quigg
Rea, Lucia Rea
Rustidge, Ken Rustidge
Salamat, Ali Aqueel Salamat
Shah, Arooj Shah
Sharp, Beth Sharp
Sheldon, Graham Sheldon
Shuttleworth, Graham Shuttlew
Surjan, Ruji Sapna Surjan
Sykes, Howard Sykes MBE
Taylor, Elaine Taylor
Wahid, Abdul Wahid
Wilkinson, Mark Wilkinson
Williamson, Diane Williamson
Woodvine, Max Woodvine
There are no declarations of interest on this record for the period