Issue details

Oldham Green New Deal Delivery Partnership - grant acceptance and appointment of consultants

To accept £1.3m grant funding from the DESNZ Local Net Zero Accelerator programme via GMCA;
To accept £30K grant funding from the Innovate UK Net Zero Living Pathfinder Places programme;
To appoint Ernst & Young to the role of Independent Assurance Provider to support the 15-year delivery programme, at a cost of circa £725K, £400K of which will be covered by the DESNZ grant funding and the remainder will be covered by contributions from the main Oldham Green New Deal Delivery Partner over the 15-year lifetime of the programme.
To appoint Womble Bond Dickinson as the Council’s Legal advisors for both the Oldham Green New Deal Delivery Partnership (at a cost of £100K, to be funded from the DESNZ grant) and the Oldham Low Carbon Heat Network Commercialisation work (at a cost of £150K, to be funded from the Green Heat Network Fund grant)
To appoint Carbon Co-op and First Choice Homes Oldham to deliver specific aspects of the Oldham Green New Deal Delivery Partnership project, to be funded from the DESNZ grant.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Affects more than 1 ward;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 08/05/2024

Decision due: 1 May 2024 by Cabinet Member - Value for Money & Sustainability and Deputy Leader

Lead member: Cabinet Member - Value for Money & Sustainability and Deputy Leader

Contact: Andrew Hunt, Strategy Partnerships and Policy Manager Email: Email:

Consultation process



Background papers