Issue details

Creating a Better Place – Spindles Enabling Works 1 Variation 6b

On 25th July Cabinet gave approval to split workstreams for the Spindles Redevelopment into Project 1 (demolition of TJ Hughes, construction of a new market and events space and works to the roof) and Project 2 (redevelopment of internal retail units to create workspace).
An Enabling Works contract was entered into relating to Project 1, referred to as Enabling Works 1 (EW1), to the value of £760,330.42
As part of the initial Site Investigation coal seams were discovered beneath the existing TJ Hughes building footprint therefore a variation is proposed.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 16/03/2023

Decision due: 3 Mar 2023 by Leader of the Council and Portfolio Holder for Building a Better Oldham

Lead member: Cabinet Member - Thriving Communities and Culture, Cabinet Member - Value for Money & Sustainability and Deputy Leader, Leader of the Council and Portfolio Holder for Building a Better Oldham

Contact: Paul Clifford, Director of Economy Email: Email:

Consultation process

