Issue details

Greater Manchester’s Clean Air Plan – Tackling Nitrogen Dioxide Exceedances at the Roadside – Contract arrangements Clean Air Zone Signage

1.1The purpose of this report is to summarise a procurement that has been undertaken to provide the system/services tendered to deliver Clean Air Zone Signage and to seek approval for TfGM to award a contract in accordance with TfGM’s existing Constitutional arrangements. Please note that the exact locations of any signs is to be considered as part of the GM Clean Air Final plan report in July 2021.
1.2This contract will be funded by an element of the £36m of Government funding awarded to GM to deliver the CAZ and other GM CAP measures.

Decision type: Key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 20/07/2021

Decision due: 7 Jul 2021 by Cabinet Member - Value for Money & Sustainability and Deputy Leader, Cabinet Member - Don't Trash Oldham

Lead member: Cabinet Member - Value for Money & Sustainability and Deputy Leader, Cabinet Member - Don't Trash Oldham

Contact: Carol Brown, Assistant Executive Director - Environment Email: Email:

Consultation process

Greater Manchester Local Authorities and GMCA.
Cabinet Members
