ePetition details

Get Speed Camera and Speed bumps installed on Burnley Lane near Garforth and Westfield St

We the undersigned petition the council to Install and maintain a speed camera and speed bumps at the top end of Burnley Lane near to the shops and Westfield and Garforth Streets. This is an area plagued by young men driving high speed cars at speeds of 80 mph day and night and also parking in a dangerous and illegal manner creating blind junctions.

The combination of the blind junctions, speeding and zebra crossing and regular use of the area by children on their bikes is fatality waiting to happen and we kindly ask that Council take swift action to resolve these issues by installing the speed camera and speed bumps and consider bollards/railing to prevent illegal parking.

This ePetition ran from 21/08/2020 to 02/10/2020 and has now finished.

11 people signed this ePetition.