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Decisions published

05/02/2024 - Grampian Way, Derwent Drive and Duchess Street, Shaw – Proposed Prohibition of Waiting and School Entrance Markings ref: 5081    Recommendations Approved

The purpose of the report is to seek approval for the implementation of the measures described above

Decision Maker: Director of Environment

Decision published: 25/03/2024

Effective from: 05/02/2024


The preferred option is Option 1

Lead officer: Sarah Robinson

08/02/2024 - Draft Employment Land Review (ELR) Part One ref: 5037    Recommendations Approved

To seek approval for the publication of Oldham Council’s Draft Employment Land Review (ELR) Part One.

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member - Decent Homes and Statuory Deputy Leader

Decision published: 11/03/2024

Effective from: 19/03/2024


RESOLVED - That: To approve and publish for comments the Draft ELR Part One to provide evidence for the Local Plan Review.

Lead officer: Clare Davison

31/01/2024 - Northern Roots - RIBA Stage 2 design sign off and Instruction for Enabling Works Phase 1. ref: 5067    Recommendations Approved

To confirm RIBA Stage 2 design sign off and to proceed to Stage 3 plus design. Instruction for Enabling Works Phase 1, as highlighted at Option 1 below.

Decision Maker: Director of Economy

Decision published: 26/02/2024

Effective from: 31/01/2024



Enabling works and stage 3 design should proceed.

Lead officer: Andrew Hall

07/02/2024 - Genetics Outreach Service Extension ref: 5066    Recommendations Approved

To ensure that Oldham has a high quality community outreach service addressing genetics risk.
The purpose of the report is to seek approval to extend the current contract for the provision of Oldham’s Genetic Outreach Service from 1 April 2024 for a period of two years up until 31 March 2026. The service provides culturally sensitive and appropriate support for communities within Oldham, working with affected families with genetic condition, as well as raising awareness within communities of genetic risks.

Decision Maker: Director of Public Health

Decision published: 22/02/2024

Effective from: 07/02/2024


The contract extension period has been approved to continue with the current provision to support families in Oldham affected by genetic conditions, as well as raising awareness within communities of genetic risks.

Lead officer: Muzamil Khan

07/02/2024 - Beal Valley Transport Connectivity Project Full Business Case Compilation Support ref: 5058    Recommendations Approved

This report seeks approval to commission and complete the Final Business Case (FBC) for the City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement – Beal Valley Transport Connectivity scheme

Decision Maker: Director of Economy

Decision published: 15/02/2024

Effective from: 07/02/2024


Jacobs U.K. Limited be awarded the compilation of the Final Business Case for the CRSTS – Beal Valley scheme, through TfGM’s Professional Services Framework (TPS2021)

Lead officer: Jeannette Whitney

08/02/2024 - Community Champions ref: 5062    Recommendations Approved

The reason for this decision is to approve investment from the Covid Outbreak Management Fund (COMF) into the Community Champions Network.

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member - Adults, Health and Wellbeing

Decision published: 15/02/2024

Effective from: 23/02/2024


£200,000 of COMF funding is used invest in the Community Champions Network, for £180,000 of grants to the VCFSE organisations and £20,000 allocated to Action Together to administer the funding, and facilitate and support the network.

Lead officer: Rachel Dyson

07/02/2024 - Beal Valley Transport Connectivity Project Detail Design Consultant Support ref: 5057    Recommendations Approved

This report seeks approval to commission a design consultant to complete the detail design for the City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement – Beal Valley Transport Connectivity scheme.

Decision Maker: Director of Economy

Decision published: 15/02/2024

Effective from: 07/02/2024


Civway Ltd be awarded the commission to undertake the detail design CRSTS – Beal Valley scheme, through Bloom Procurement Services Ltd

Lead officer: Jeannette Whitney

07/02/2024 - Mumps Full Business Case Compilation Support ref: 5056    Recommendations Approved

This report seeks approval to commission and complete the Final Business Case (FBC) for the City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement - Mumps scheme.

Decision Maker: Director of Economy

Decision published: 15/02/2024

Effective from: 07/02/2024


Jacobs U.K. Limited be awarded the compilation of the Final Business Case for the CRSTS - Mumps scheme, through TfGM’s Professional Services Framework

Lead officer: Jeannette Whitney

08/02/2024 - Social Prescribing Contract Extension ref: 5064    Recommendations Approved

To extend the existing Social Prescribing contract

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member - Adults, Health and Wellbeing

Decision published: 13/02/2024

Effective from: 21/02/2024


The proposals outlined in the report are agreed; the Social Prescribing Innovation Partnership contract is extended for 7 months until 31st October 2024. This will be at a total cost of £388,026.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Rachel Dyson

05/02/2024 - Hampton Road, Failsworth – Proposed Prohibition of Waiting ref: 5055    Recommendations Approved

The purpose of the report of the report is to seek approval to extend the existing Prohibition of Waiting restrictions (double yellow lines) on both sides of Hampton Road to a distance of 10 metres from Ashton Road East

Decision Maker: Director of Environment

Decision published: 09/02/2024

Effective from: 05/02/2024


The preferred option is Option 1

Lead officer: Mark Woodhead

05/02/2024 - Hobson Street, Failsworth – Proposed Prohibition of Waiting ref: 5054    Recommendations Approved

The purpose of this report is to seek approval for the introduction a Traffic Regulation Order to introduce the yellow lines

Decision Maker: Director of Environment

Decision published: 09/02/2024

Effective from: 05/02/2024


The preferred option is Option 1

Lead officer: Sarah Robinson

07/03/2023 - Rough Sleeping Navigator Contract Award ref: 4649    Recommendations Approved

Oldham Council, as part the Greater Manchester response to homelessness, is committed to continuing to deliver a Rough Sleeping Initiative (RSI) Navigator service until 31st March 2025. Upon confirmation of funding from Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) to facilitate this, an opportunity was advertised to procure a supplier for the continued delivery of the service to follow on from the end of the current provider’s contract.

Following completion of a competitive process for the delivery of RSI Navigator services in Oldham from 1st April 2023 – 31st March 2025, Sanctuary Trust Limited has been assessed as having delivered the best quality bid. This report therefore seeks authorisation to award and enter into a contract with Sanctuary Trust Limited.

Decision Maker: Director of Economy

Decision published: 02/02/2024

Effective from: 07/03/2023


RESOLVED - That: The contract be awarded to Sanctuary Trust Limited

Lead officer: Moira Fields

21/06/2023 - Horton Mill Community Primary School - New Domestic Water Services and Leak Protection Equipment ref: 4736    Recommendations Approved

Horton Mill Community Primary School has been experiencing bursts on the hot and cold-water pipework for the last five years.
The domestic hot and cold-water pipework is failing on a regular basis. The copper pipework is corroding from the inside out, forming pinholes that result in leaks throughout the school. The pipework will continue to corrode and is beyond the point that any remedial action can be taken. As a result, the leaks will continue, potentially becoming worse.
A number of point of use water heaters are approaching the end of their useful life, resulting in an increased risk of failure and contamination into any newly replaced pipework.

Decision Maker: Executive Director for Place & Economic Growth

Decision published: 01/02/2024

Effective from: 21/06/2023


RESOLVED - That: Replace the existing hot and cold-water distribution pipework. This option is a long-term solution that will provide improved reliability, remove the risk of consequential damage from ongoing leaks and prevent school closure.
Replace a number of point of use water heaters are coming to the end of their useful life, which if not replaced would run the risk of failure and contamination to any newly installed pipework.

Lead officer: Emma Cockcroft

13/06/2023 - Appointment of Spindles Office Planning Service ref: 4749    Recommendations Approved

To secure resource for the for the office layout plan and the Furniture, Fittings and Equipment (F, F, & E) Schedule for the Spindles.

Decision Maker: Director of Economy

Decision published: 01/02/2024

Effective from: 13/06/2023


RESOLVED - That: To appoint the Spindles office planning service as per the report.

Lead officer: Christopher Lewis

25/01/2024 - The Royal Oak, Union Street, Oldham – Asset of Community Value listing ref: 5052    Recommendations Approved

The Listing of Assets of Community Value process, approved in December 2013, was introduced under the Localism Act 2011 “the Act”. A nomination for listing the following land – The Royal Oak, 178 Union Street, Oldham, OL1 1EN as an Asset of Community Value was received by the Council from the Folk of the Oak and after consideration it was deemed a valid application for consideration to register.
The nomination was considered by the Council against the criteria set out in the Act (as enacted by the Assets of Community Value Regulations 2012). The decision was made by the panel and ratified by Councillor Shah, Leader of the Council, to list the asset as the nomination met the criteria as per the ACV assessment form (see appendix 1 – ACV assessment) and the Act.

Decision Maker: Deputy Chief Executive -

Decision published: 01/02/2024

Effective from: 25/01/2024


RESOLVED - That: To note the decision for listing the land –
The Royal Oak, 178 Union Street, Oldham, OL1 1EN as an Asset of Community Value.

Lead officer: Rachel Dyson

27/11/2023 - Castleshaw centre - roof replacement ref: 5003    Recommendations Approved

Oldham Council has secured capital funding for from the Youth Investment Fund for the replacement of the Stone Slate roof at the Castleshaw centre
The Castleshaw centre is a valued asset in the council’s corporate estate that delivers a range of services to 1000’s of children and young people in the borough every year. The building in need of investment to ensure it is fit for purpose and to secure its long-term viability.
The council has been successful in securing £165,000 capital funding from the Youth Investment fund to support refurbishment of buildings used for delivery of youth work and youth activities. The grant awarded is for the funding required to replace the existing stone slate roof at the Castleshaw centre that as it is in poor condition.

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member - Children and Young People

Decision published: 01/02/2024

Effective from: 27/11/2023


a.To accept the offer of the grant
b.That approval for all procurement and tender award activity carried out in accordance with Contract Procedure Rules and any resulting decisions relating to the necessary external support required to develop the scheme be delegated to the Executive Director for Place & Economic Growth or a nominated representative.

Lead officer: Jodie Barber

27/11/2023 - Speech and Language support for education settings across the Early Years and Primary Sector ref: 5000    Recommendations Approved

A decision is being sought to request approval for an exemption from the Contract Procedure Rules to make a direct contract award to the Kingfisher Learning Trust to deliver training, support and coaching for the Better Communication Team.
The Kingfisher Learning Trust is unique in having a member of the team from Oldham who completed DfE Early Years Professional Development Tutor Champion, alongside other elements of trained trainer for other programmes such as Making it REAL that are delivered in Oldham including Sign Along, which are integral to the coaching and support as part of the Better Communication Team
This report seeks approval for an exemption from the Contract Procedure Rules to enable a direct contract award to be made to the Kingfisher Learning Trust for their specialist expertise to support the Better Communication Team in Oldham by providing specialist coaching and training to improve outcomes for children in Oldham in speech, language and communication

Decision Maker: Director of Education, Skills & Early Years

Decision published: 01/02/2024

Effective from: 27/11/2023


The Kingfisher Learning Trust also has in depth knowledge of the education system in Oldham and existing relationships with the early years sector, which is critical in enabling them to work at pace with the high levels of speech and language needs in Oldham and increased pressures on the core Speech and language service with lengthy waiting lists.
The programme of activity available from the service provider complements the SALT services which are being delivered by NCA under a contract with the CCG by increasing capacity, thus securing a consistent and cohesive offer to schools and early years providers.

Lead officer: Rachel Peterson

28/11/2023 - To extend the provision of an Ofsted Inspection Readiness Programme for non-domestic childcare providers ref: 5004    Recommendations Approved

Permission is being sought to utilise the 1 year extension available under the Council’s contract with Early Years Alliance for the provision of the Quality Improvement Programme for non-domestic childcare providers (nurseries & pre-schools)
The contract with Early Years Alliance for the delivery of the Quality Improvement Programme for non-domestic childcare providers locally commenced on 10 October 2022 for 1 year with the option to extend the for a further 1 year.
The programme will continue to offer value for money as a saving will be achieved in the extension period from the original contract.

Decision Maker: Director of Education, Skills & Early Years

Decision published: 01/02/2024

Effective from: 28/11/2023


This report seeks approval to utilise the 1 year extension period under the contract with Early Years Alliance to enable the continued delivery of a Quality Improvement Programme for non-domestic childcare providers locally.
The programme will respond to the local authority statutory duties of responding to providers deemed to be less than ‘good’, including those who have received concern and compliance visits from Ofsted. The programme will help to ensure that Oldham’s non-domestic childcare providers continue to deliver high quality Early Years education.
Local authorities are required by legislation to secure training for:
•those registered on the Ofsted Early Years Register who are judged less than ‘good’ by Ofsted in their most recent inspection report;
•newly registered providers on the Ofsted Early Years Register who have not yet had an inspection report published;

Lead officer: Rachel Peterson

19/01/2024 - Trent Road and Cheviots Road, Shaw – Proposed Prohibition of Waiting ref: 5043    Recommendations Approved

The purpose of the report of the report is to seek approval for the introduction of prohibitive waiting (double yellow lines) along part of Trent Road, Shaw.

Decision Maker: Director of Environment

Decision published: 30/01/2024

Effective from: 19/01/2024


The preferred option is Option 1

Lead officer: Sarah Robinson

19/01/2024 - Part of Royley Road, Oldham – Proposed Stopping Up of Highway ref: 5042    Recommendations Approved

The purpose of the report is to seek approval to stop up part of the highway under Section 116 of the Highways Act 1980 as it is no longer necessary to the Highway Network.

Decision Maker: Director of Environment

Decision published: 30/01/2024

Effective from: 19/01/2024


The preferred option is Option 1

Lead officer: Sarah Robinson

22/12/2023 - Stamford Road, Huddersfield Road and Dunham Street, Lees - Safety Scheme ref: 5033    Recommendations Approved

The purpose of this report is to seek approval to introduce the safety measures described in this report.

Decision Maker: Director of Environment

Decision published: 30/01/2024

Effective from: 22/12/2023


the following be introduced in accordance with the schedules at the end of this report:-
-speed cushions along Stamford Road and part of Dunham Street,
-a 20 mph zone,
-associated Traffic Regulation Orders controlling parking and vehicle movements
-a 24 hour bus stop clearway

Lead officer: Jeannette Whitney

22/12/2023 - Proposed Prohibition of Waiting – Sandy Lane, Dobcross ref: 5031    Recommendations Approved

The purpose of this report is to consider the introduction of prohibition of waiting restrictions along Sandy Lane, Dobcross

Decision Maker: Director of Environment

Decision published: 30/01/2024

Effective from: 22/12/2023


a new Traffic Regulation Order be introduced in accordance with the plan and schedule at the end of this report

Lead officer: Andy Cowell

22/12/2023 - Proposed Traffic Calming and Extension of 20mph Zone – Partington Street, Failsworth (M1038) ref: 5029    Recommendations Approved

The purpose of this report is to seek approval to the advertise of the legal Humps Notice as set out in The Highways (Road Humps) Regulations 1999 and the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, and the introduction of a 20mph zone along Partington Street

Decision Maker: Director of Environment

Decision published: 30/01/2024

Effective from: 22/12/2023


traffic calming measures and 20mph speed limit be introduced along Partington Street in accordance with the schedules at the end of this report

Lead officer: Andy Marsh