Use this page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.
Alternatively you can visit the officer decisions page for information on officer delegated decisions that have been taken by council officers.
This report seeks delegated approval for the
introduction of a crossing location and permanent closure of the
road between Church Road and The Avenue in line with the schedule
and drawings at the end of this report.
Decision Maker: Director of Environment
Decision published: 12/10/2023
Effective from: 13/09/2023
the Active Travel Fund Church Road Crossing is approved and
implemented, in accordance with the drawings and schedules at the
end of this report
Lead officer: Lewis Bowles
To request approval from Cabinet Member for
Finance and Corporate Resources to enter into a call-off contract
under a procurement compliant framework agreement in accordance
with Contract Procedure Rules to procure Digital Process Automation
services for the Revenues and Benefits service.
Decision Maker: Cabinet Member - Value for Money & Sustainability and Deputy Leader
Decision published: 12/10/2023
Effective from: 18/09/2023
RESOLVED - That:Approval for the procurement
of the GovTech Digital Process Automation service via the G-Cloud
13 Framework Agreement.
Lead officer: Anne Ryans
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Made at meeting: 18/09/2023 - Cabinet
Decision published: 19/09/2023
Effective from: 18/09/2023
Two public questions were received:
The first question was submitted by Sam Al-Hamdani,
In response to a question on the spending on a new pitch for Oldham Athletic, Councillor Shah stated that "in the event that clawback is required, to enable the Council to recover any of the grant deemed ineligible, the formal procedure would be for Officers to prepare a formal report for the relevant Cabinet Member(s) and then depending on the nature of the concerns / issues being raised, this could then be escalated to Cabinet. In either occurrence, the formal decision relating to the issues and enactment of clawback would be a matter of public record." She stated further – although not minuted – that this was her understanding, anyway, and that she was not aware of any circumstance – not in her leadership or her time in the cabinet – that has been done behind closed doors in the way that I was describing.
I would like to refer Councillor Shah to the decision – a term which here must be used very loosely – taken with regards to the clawback clause (7.11 Relevant Period) contained within the Grant Funding Agreement dated 19th August 2011, for the new stand at Oldham Athletic. The disposal took place in 2016, while she was in the cabinet. That clawback clause was not pursued. Having had meetings with the senior management team at the Council, I understand that no report was ever produced, and no concerns ever escalated to Cabinet. There is no formal record of any decision on this matter.
Before we even consider the merits of the decision itself, can she explain how this decision was taken with regards to a grant from Oldham Council for £700,000, a very substantial amount of money, with no report, and no formal record of the decision? How can Oldhamers be confident that there weren't other decisions taken in exactly the same way, as she was unaware of this one which took place while she was a cabinet member, and had been for several years? And how can they have confidence that this Labour Council is properly spending and taking care of its budget when decisions like this have been taken without any formal oversight?
Councillor Shah responded, ‘for the purposes of those who aren’t elected members I’ll try and explain in plain English how we write grant agreements to make sure that we actually get the benefit that is agreed for Oldham and the community as part of that grant.
In drafting grant agreements we ensure we are clear about the benefits and conditions that we expect for the grant and we then monitor those conditions or the delivery of those benefits to make sure we get value for the money we give.
I can confirm that the Council has been actively monitoring the conditions of the recent grant agreement for Oldham Athletic. This monitoring has not resulted in any circumstances being identified where it would be necessary to trigger the clawback condition. Consequently there has been no requirement for Cabinet to consider a report in respect of this matter.
In relation to the 2011 grant agreement, I assume that the Councillor is referring to a short period of time under previous club management arrangements when the North Stand was not made available for the community to use, which was a grant condition at that time.
I understand that the decision not to enact the clawback clause at that time was not formally recorded. While I’m not sighted on all the details, this matter has already been investigated by the Council’s Corporate Governance and Audit Team, and they found that it was clear that the purpose for which the grant was given has been and continues to be fulfilled.’
The next question was submitted by Garth Harkness,
Can I welcome the cabinets decision to recently make 20mph zones permanent in some of Saddleworth’s villages. This is something Liberal Democrats have been advocating some time. Can I also welcome the cabinet members response to my proposals to look at road safety and 20mph zones in Diggle.
Does he share the same concerns as me that the Conservative government are considering restrictions on councils’ ability to impose 20mph speed limits as part of a new shift against green policies and traffic schemes?
Does he agree that the 20 MPH and green initiatives here has been a success and the stance by the Conservative government is short-sighted. It is already being introduced in Wales and Scotland, and many local authorities in England have adopted it as the default. Does he believe that the Conservative government should let local councils run their own areas?
Councillor Goodwin responded, ‘The Road Danger Reduction Group (RDRG) - led by Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM) - is currently re-assessing the speed limit policy and the implementation of lower speed limits in the light of the ever-increasing use of the highway by non-motorised users (people walking, scooting, cycling etc).
The existing 20-mph speed limits were introduced using temporary powers granted by Central Government during the Covid Pandemic. These powers expired in April 2022.
As and when funding becomes available, Oldham Council is changing the temporary measures to permanent physical restrictions and we are working with all partners to ensure that the changes and restrictions introduced are proportional and suitable for the local community.
This work includes a Greater Manchester Police request to only introduce permanent 20-mph speed limits in conjunction with physical speed calming measures to support self-enforcement.’
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Made at meeting: 18/09/2023 - Cabinet
Decision published: 19/09/2023
Effective from: 26/09/2023
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Made at meeting: 18/09/2023 - Cabinet
Decision published: 19/09/2023
Effective from: 26/09/2023
The Cabinet gave consideration to a report of the Director of Finance which provided Members with details of the performance of the Treasury Management function of the Council for the first quarter of 2023/24 and provided a comparison of performance against the 2023/24 Treasury Management Strategy and Prudential Indicators.
In order to comply with the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) Code of Practice on Treasury Management the Council was required to consider the performance of the Treasury Management function.
The report provided an additional update and included a new requirement in the 2021 CIPA code mandatory from 1st April 2023 of quarterly reporting of the Treasury Management Prudential Indicators.
Options/alternatives considered
In order that the Council complies with the CIPFA Code of Practice it has no other option than to consider and approve the contents of the report.
RESOLVED – That the Treasury Management Quarter one report and the Treasury Management activity and projected outturn be noted and commended to Full Council.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Made at meeting: 18/09/2023 - Cabinet
Decision published: 19/09/2023
Effective from: 18/09/2023
RESOLVED – That the minutes of the Cabinet meeting held on 21st August 2023 be approved.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Made at meeting: 18/09/2023 - Cabinet
Decision published: 19/09/2023
Effective from: 26/09/2023
The Cabinet gave consideration to a report of the Director of Adult Social Care which sought approval of the implementation of a refreshed services level agreement with Miocare CIC for a range of service provided.
The report also sought a commitment from wider Council colleagues to work with the Miocare Group CIC to develop service level agreements and specifications of requirements for those corporate services that Miocare Group CIC buys back rom the Council.
In partnership with Miocare, a refreshed service level agreement and a range of service specifications had been drafted and related solely to the services delivered through Oldham Care and Support Ltd.
Options/alternatives considered
Option 1 - Do not enter into a new Service Level Agreement, and do not develop Service Level Agreements and specifications of requirements for services Miocare buys back from the Council.
This would leave both the Council and Miocare Group CIC in a position where the relationship and the services to be delivered are not covered by a compliant, up to date agreement, leading to lack of clarity for all parties.
Option 2 – Do not enter into a new Service Level Agreement until the future focus of Miocare Group is clarified, and do not develop Service Level Agreements and specifications of requirements for services Miocare buys back from the Council until that time.
This would carry the same risks as Option 1 and as it is envisaged that the full implementation of the target operating model and adult social care reform will take a significant period of time, it would leave uncertainty and lack of clarity for both the Council and Miocare.
Option 3 – Enter into a new Service Level Agreement for the services delivered to the Council by Miocare Group CIC, and develop Service Level Agreements and specifications of requirements for services Miocare buys back from the Council.
RESOLVED – That the Cabinet would consider the commercially sensitive information contained at Item 10 of the agenda before making a decision.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Made at meeting: 18/09/2023 - Cabinet
Decision published: 19/09/2023
Effective from: 26/09/2023
The Cabinet gave consideration to a report of the Managing Director Children and Young People which sought approval of the Special Educational Needs and or Disabilities (SEND) and Inclusion Strategy 2023-2027.
Following the end of the previous strategy, the 2023-2027 was presented which had been developed focusing of current issues and future priorities for Oldham’s children and young people with SEND.
The development of the strategy coincided wit the publication if the SEND and Alternative Provisions Green Paper and the Department for Education’s local area partnership plans, which had been considered in developing the draft.
The Strategy was attached at Appendix 1.
Options/alternatives considered
There are no alternatives to this strategy. All local areas are expected to have a strategy outlining the provision and development of functions related to children and young people who have SEND. This ensures that there is compliance with the Children & Families Act, 2014, the SEND Regulations, 2014 and the SEND Code of Practice, 8.1, 2015, which states:
Local authorities must place children, young people, and families at the centre of their planning, and work with them to develop coordinated approaches to securing better outcomes, as should clinical commissioning groups (now integrated care partnerships/boards).
They should develop a shared vision and strategy which focuses on aspirations and outcomes, using information from EHC plans and other planning to anticipate the needs of children and young people with SEN and ensure there are pathways into employment, independent living, participation in society and good health. Where pathways need further development, local authorities and CCGs [now integrated care partnership/board] should set out clear responsibilities, timescales, and funding arrangements for that work. This strategic planning will contribute to their:
· Joint commissioning.
· Local Offer, which must include support in preparing for adulthood
· Preparation of EHC plans and support for children and young people to achieve the outcomes in their plan.
RESOLVED – That the Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities and Inclusion Strategy 2023-2027 be approved.
Wards affected: (All Wards);
To secure additional Independent Domestic
Violence Adviser (IDVA) capacity for a period of 6 months by
extending an additional fixed term IDVA post for 6 months from
1/10/23 and recruiting an agency IDVA for 6 months.
These will increase the team’s capacity to provide support to
high-risk victims of domestic abuse. The service currently has high
caseloads, due to both high demand and sickness absence within the
team. The additional staff will therefore provide capacity to meet
current demand.
The increased capacity will also enable planned changes to be
implemented to the operation of the domestic abuse team, which will
increase the support offered to victims at lower levels of risk
with the intention of reducing the numbers escalating to high risk
– and therefore lowering demand. The temporary additional
capacity will therefore enable the implementation of the new
operational model
Decision Maker: Managing Director Children and Young People (DCS)
Decision published: 13/09/2023
Effective from: 30/08/2023
RESOLVED - That: an existing fixed term IDVA
post be extended for 6 months from 1/10/23 and and an agency IDVA
be recruited for 6 months
Lead officer: Bruce Penhale
Greater Manchester Immigration Aid Unit is a
specialist provider of legal advice for asylum and immigration
issues, and this funding will increase the capacity to provide this
support, as part of a wider agreement with Greater Manchester
Combined Authority and the other nine Greater
Manchester districts. Oldham Council is currently having problems
accessing this specialist support either from GMIAU or commercial
providers with the relevant legal aid contract.
The service will help to enable vulnerable individuals to: leave
abusive and dangerous situations which can escalate into serious
mental health or physical crises in their homes or communities, and
to avoid further periods of emotional trauma, vulnerability to
danger, exploitation, and injury in relation to domestic abuse,
gender-based violence, forced marriage, immigration abuse, Female
Genital Mutilation, honour-based violence and modern slavery.
Decision Maker: Deputy Chief Executive -
Decision published: 13/09/2023
Effective from: 12/09/2023
RESOLVED - That: the Council purchase a
specialist service for a three year period from Greater Manchester
Immigration Aid Unit to support individuals experiencing domestic
abuse who have no recourse to
public funds (NRPF) to access specialist legal advice and support
to protect them from destitution or from returning into an abusive
Lead officer: Bruce Penhale
The report seeks to procure regular clinical
supervision for members of the Domestic Abuse team who support
large numbers of high-risk domestic abuse victims, in order to
prevent professional fatigue and vicarious trauma impacting upon
their health, and wellbeing which would otherwise increase staff
sickness and turnover.
Decision Maker: Deputy Chief Executive -
Decision published: 13/09/2023
Effective from: 12/09/2023
RESOLVED - That: the Council purchase 12
month’s clinical supervision for the members of the
Independent Domestic Violence Adviser team from Intraquest
Lead officer: Bruce Penhale
To seek approval for exemption from CPR with
the aim to deliver a specialist scheme of works on the Pennine Way
by CPY Excavations
Decision Maker: Executive Director for Place & Economic Growth
Decision published: 13/09/2023
Effective from: 22/08/2023
Exempt Contract Procedure Rules and approve the direct award of a
contract to CPY Excavations - Due to the time restraints and
required specialist knowledge and operations it is recommended to
proceed with CPY Excavations as the designated contractor with a
proven history of similar schemes
Lead officer: Liam Kennedy
This report seeks delegated approval of:
•The Appointment of the Contractor for the proposed works on
Rock St as Part of The Mayors Challenge Fund (MCF) utilising the
Accessible Oldham Strategic Partner Agreement (AOSPA)
Decision Maker: Director of Environment
Decision published: 13/09/2023
Effective from: 21/09/2023
to award the call off contract, to the value of £1,286,649,
utilising delegated approval at director level which was approved
by Cabinet
Lead officer: Jeannette Whitney
This report seeks delegated approval of:
•The approval of the appointment of the Contractor for the
Decision Maker: Director of Environment
Decision published: 13/09/2023
Effective from: 06/09/2023
to award the call off contract, to the value of £339k,
utilising delegated approval at director level which was approved
by Cabinet
Lead officer: Jeannette Whitney
OMBC have successfully secured Grant funding
on an 85:15 basis from the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority
to deliver a maintenance scheme on a section of the Pennine Way
National Trail (approx. 960m) and a further 70:30 for the
rectification of subsidence on site.
Decision Maker: Director of Environment
Decision published: 13/09/2023
Effective from: 23/08/2023
the offer of grant funding be accepted and the scheme
Lead officer: Liam Kennedy
To seek approval for the allocation of
resources secured through Section 106 planning obligations to fund
Foxdenton Lane and Lydia Becker Way– 20mph Speed Limit and
Traffic Calming.
These new restrictions will: -
•Reduce vehicle speeds.
•Improve facilities and safety for pedestrians near Foxdenton
•Improve Road Safety and the likelihood of a serious
Decision Maker: Executive Director for Place & Economic Growth
Decision published: 13/09/2023
Effective from: 10/02/2024
1.To approve the allocation of £ 90, 392.78 section 106
resources (including Interest accrued) from DB 372 - Land at
Foxdenton Lane, Chadderton (PA/334355
Lead officer: Jeannette Whitney
Allocate the S106 resources in accordance with
the terms of the S106 obligations and award resurfacing contract to
the winning tenderer. This will allow equipment that has been
removed to be re-installed and ensure existing equipment does not
need to be removed.
Decision Maker: Director of Environment
Decision published: 12/09/2023
Effective from: 24/08/2023
Approval for the allocation of resources secured through Section
106 agreement and subsequent award of contract to winning tenderer
for the safety resurfacing works in Waterhead Park play area.
Lead officer: Sean Mitchell
Oldham Council and Councillors receive
requests from community groups on an ad hoc basis to consider
whether funding applications could be supported for the purchase
and installation of Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs). In
addition to this there are requests to install devices in Council
owned buildings or on Council owned land. The requests are made
through various channels such as to Councillors or direct to
departments. In the past this has led to inconsistent responses,
with some geographical areas having a high concentration of AEDs,
and other areas a lower concentration. Should a community device be
installed in a Council building or on a Council site and the
community group disband, responsibility for regular maintenance
checks and repairs may fall to the Council, which is not without
cost or resource implication.
Decision Maker: Cabinet Member - Adults, Health and Wellbeing
Decision published: 12/09/2023
Effective from:
RESOLVED - That: b) the policy was approved
along with support for full implementation for utilising it when
applications are made for either funding an AED or for permissions
to install in or on Council owned sites or buildings.
Lead officer: Anna Tebay
Oldham alongside 74 other LAs, including
Bolton, Tameside,
Rochdale and Manchester met the government’s criteria
receive a share of £82m ringfenced funding for Family
The criteria used targets funding at areas with the highest
of deprivation to support the Government’s levelling-up
Start for Life agenda.
Family Hubs is a new national initiative which looks to
a range of services that support families at a universal and
targeted level. The expectations for delivery include coproduce
activities and achieve shared goals in partnership with
the different organisations.
Oldham has received £3,648,000.00 from the National
Government Family Hubs and Start for Life Programme (DfE) to
develop the Programme across the borough. The funding will
be from December 2022 until March 2025.
This report seeks approval to exempt Contract Procedure Rules
to enable a direct contract award to Triple P UK Limited and
direct contract award to Family Links to deliver elements of
the Family Hubs Parenting Support strand and to implement
activities and services to improve ability of parents to care
their children/young people.
Oldham’s Family Hubs Programme is aimed at improving
ability of parents to care for their children/young people
resulting in improved child/young people and parent
outcomes including mental wellbeing, behaviour, and
child/young people development range of areas.
Decision Maker: Director of Education, Skills & Early Years
Decision published: 12/09/2023
Effective from:
Option 1 (recommended): exempt Contract Procedure Rules to
enable a direct contract award to Triple P UK Limited and to
Family Links, each for a term commencing on 31st of August
2023, or as soon as possible, to deliver elements of the
Hubs Parenting Support strand and to implement activities and
services to improve ability of parents to care for their
children/young people
Lead officer: Shaima Tekrawala
The purpose of this report is to seek
permission to review and update the Dynamic Purchasing System
Agreement, including the service specification, for the provision
of a locally commissioned community pharmacy Emergency Hormonal
Contraception (EHC) service (DPS) in accordance with Rule 17 of the
Contract Procedure Rules.
Decision Maker: Director of Public Health
Decision published: 12/09/2023
Effective from: 31/08/2023
Option B: Approval to vary the DPS to clarify the terms and
conditions, to update the service specification, and to align the
call-off terms with the DPS terms and conditions to encourage more
pharmacies to sign up and deliver the EHC service and to vary the
specification of the Service Level Agreement with CHL to reflect
the DPS updates. This will result in local residents having access
to free and timely use of effective Emergency Hormonal
Contraception provisions within their neighbourhood.
Lead officer: Muzamil Khan
Permission is being sought to utilise the 1
year extension period built into the Council’s contract to
deliver the local authority statutory duty around Key Stage 2 (KS2)
statutory moderation.
External moderation is statutory. It gives confidence that
schools’ Teacher Assessment (TA) judgements are accurate and
consistent with national standards, as specified in the TA
frameworks and exemplification materials.
LAs are required to externally moderate at least 25% of maintained
schools. They are also expected to externally moderate at least 25%
of academies and participating independent schools that opt into
the LA’s external moderation provision. LAs must ensure all
schools they are responsible for are moderated at least once every
4 years (excluding 2020 and 2021), or more frequently if
The Invitation to Tender (ITT) was issued on the Due North Portal
“The Chest” with a return date of the 30 August 2022.
ITT submissions were received from 1 organisation. A comprehensive
evaluation process was undertaken by an evaluation panel and a
scoring moderation meeting was held on the 1 September 2022.
outcome of this process was that the organisation met the criteria
and were awarded the contract for 1 year with the option to extend
for a further 1 year.
Decision Maker: Director of Education, Skills & Early Years
Decision published: 12/09/2023
Effective from: 23/08/2023
To lead the statutory moderation, the Lead Moderator must have
passed the Standardisation Exercise 1 test for KS2, have the
relevant skills, knowledge and experience as outlined in the
contract, which went through the procurement processes and was
awarded to the organisation.
Therefore, permission is being sought to approve the decision to
extend the contract for 1 year.
Lead officer: Rachel Peterson
Approval is required to fund the associated
cost of refurbishment works to Alexandra Park Boathouse WC facility
from the Corporate Landlord Capital Budget. The proposed work has
been estimated at £55,000. The proposed refurbishment work
includes reconfiguration of the facility and creating access
between the WC and adjoining Café to enable controlled
access and use.
Decision Maker: Director of Economy
Decision published: 12/09/2023
Effective from: 11/08/2023
To approve the associated funding of £55,000
from the Corporate Landlord Capital Budget.
This will allow the continued use of the WC
facility, whilst bringing it to current standards,
improving utilisation, security and operational
The fees connected to this proposal are £3.5k,
bringing the total proposal to £58.5k.
Lead officer: John Winterbottom
The report seeks approval to invest in a pilot
initiative with Beam organisation to support delivery of the
Council’s Homelessness Prevention and Reduction Strategy
2021-2026. The pilot initiative adopts an innovative ‘invest
to save’ approach that will support the Council’s
strategic objectives and boost homelessness Prevention and Relief
activities. The pilot proposes to work intensely with designated
households to speed up successful move on and minimise time spent
in temporary accommodation.
In addition, approval is also requested to exempt the
Council’s Contract Procedure Rules in order to make a direct
contract award to Beam.
Decision Maker: Cabinet Member - Decent Homes and Statuory Deputy Leader
Decision published: 12/09/2023
Effective from: 11/08/2023
Option two is the preferred option, it is recommended that:
• Funding of £80,000 is committed from the Temporary
Accommodation budget to cover the full cost of the pilot of
£80,000, having regard to the risks set out in the
• Approval is granted to exempt the Council’s Contract
Procedure Rules
Lead officer: Albert Margai
Decision Maker: Cabinet Member - Enterprise
Decision published: 07/09/2023
Effective from:
RESOLVED - That: The Test be agreed
Lead officer: Liz Drogan
This report seeks delegated approval of:
•The cost of the AEI Carriageway Condition Survey
•The approval of the appointment of the contractor for the
Decision Maker: Director of Environment
Decision published: 07/09/2023
Effective from: 24/08/2023
the delegated approval for the AEI works is accepted and that the
contract for the works is awarded to XAIS Asset Management
Lead officer: Matthew McGreal
To seek approval to award and enter into the
LOC Framework Agreement with three successful Contractors following
completion of a compliant
procurement exercise in respect of three Lots:
a. Lot 1 - Stairlifts: Handicare Accessibility Limited
b. Lot 2 - Ceiling track hoists: Hoist and Shower Chair
c. Lot 3 - Vertical and step lifts: Wessex Lifts Limited
Decision Maker: Cabinet Member - Adults, Health and Wellbeing
Decision published: 06/09/2023
Effective from: 14/09/2023
RESOLVED - That:Option 2, as outlined in the
report be approved, which seeks approval for the advertised
Framework Agreement to be awarded to
each contractor identified as submitting the most economically
advantageous tender for each of the 3 advertised lots, with a
service commencement date of 1st September 2023 and to expire on
the 31st May 2026 with an option to extend by two further periods
of 12 months. This is the recommended option as:
1. Approval provided for Delegated Authority for the Cabinet Member
Health and Social Care to award the new Framework Agreement
2. A comprehensive procurement exercise has been undertaken
3. The Service aligns with national and local Policy
Lead officer: Jayne Ratcliffe