Use this page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.
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This report seeks the grant acceptance of
£61,080 of City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement
(CRSTS) funding to develop a ‘Bus Pinch Point Scheme’
for the Ashton Road West/Lord Lane Roundabout to improve the
efficiency of the junction for buses and improve pedestrian
facilities across, and in the vicinity of the junction.
Decision Maker: Director of Environment
Decision published: 20/06/2024
Effective from: 15/05/2024
That the grant offer from the City Region Sustainable Transport
Settlement (CRSTS) Bus Pinch Point Programme be accepted and
included in the capital programme for 2024/25 financial year to
enable the development of this scheme.
Lead officer: Eleanor Sykes
To seek approval to appoint S I Sealy &
Associates Limited to provide Mechanical & Electrical (M&E)
design services and tender documentation via the direct award
process for the purpose of seeking
tenders for the refurbishment of the Marlborough
Street Community Centre.
Requirement to refurbish and undertake necessary
M&E alterations to the Marlborough Street
Community Centre to ensure this community space is
available for use by the local community as quickly as
Oldham Borough Council, Property Section have
worked in partnership with SI Sealy previously on
schemes, which have been delivered to the standard
and quality expected from Oldham Council. It is for
this known entity and requirement to expedite
production of tender documentation to progress the
works that this appointment is being recommended.
Decision Maker: Director of Economy
Decision published: 14/05/2024
Effective from: 24/04/2024
To directly award the M&E Design Services to S I Sealy. They
have provided a written submission confirming they can meet
requirements of the Council in accordance with the terms and
conditions in the compliant Framework Agreement (Rise) for
Due to the Council’s previous knowledge and experience of
working with S I Sealy, together with confirmation that they are
already on a Framework,
makes a direct award the preferred option as the procurement
process can be achieved quickly meeting the Councils requirement to
progress the
Lead officer: Emma Cockcroft
To allocate grant funding of
£2,419,369.23 from the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP)
to Oldham Council to deliver the Household Support Fund over the
period 1 April to 30 September 2024.
Decision Maker: Leader of the Council and Portfolio Holder for Building a Better Oldham
Decision published: 09/05/2024
Effective from: 16/05/2024
Option 2 reflects a balanced scheme that considers the broadest
reach in balancing support across the breadth of low-income
households as close to the first point of contact as possible
whilst fulfilling the grant funding criteria within the limited
time allocation.
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Fran Lautman
Oldham Council has secured funding from the
following source:
• Environment Agency – Grant in Aid
The purpose of this report is to confirm the value of the grant
currently available to Oldham - £110,000 and to notify the
Portfolio Holder of the intention to bring this additional resource
into the transport capital programme to commence delivery of the
Decision Maker: Deputy Chief Executive -
Decision published: 03/05/2024
Effective from: 24/04/2024
Option 1: accept the grant offer and deliver the
above scheme in an appropriate timescale
Lead officer: Jason Denniston