Purpose of the Report:
The purpose of the report is to request for various additional funding provided by GMCA as part of the UKSPF skills funding allocation for NEET support, be accepted and that any variations to the original contract’s agreement be agreed.
Reasons for the Recommendations:
In August 2023, the Cabinet approved a report to accept funding from the UKSPF Skills funding via GMCA to support NEET young people to re-engage and return to the EET pathway. This funding was a total of £720,000.
The report outlined the intention for the funding to be attached to the existing TIIAG contract as this would provide the most effective use of the additional resource. This became the “Empower Oldham” project currently being delivered by Positive Steps. This grant agreement, contract and funding was made available until 31 March 2025.
In December 2023, Oldham applied to receive some additional funding from the UKSPF fund. This request originated from GMCA and was known as “Growth Fund”. Oldham was awarded an additional £19K (which increased our monitoring outputs by 10 young people reached). The agreed use of this additional funding was to support the rental costs for the new study programme provision Oldham College are developing at Positive Steps. The provision opened in September 2024.
In March 2024, a DDR was submitted and signed off for £49,158 for the delivery of Care Leaver Multiply (attached, Appendix 2). We have now received notification from GMCA that Oldham has been awarded an additional 10% (£4,915.80) to support staffing costs for input into GMIT.
In June 2024, GMCA requested confirmation LA’s were able to receive and use an additional £100K for the purposes of NEET prevention. This fund must be spent by 31 March 2025. This funding is not linked to any outcomes identified in the wider UKSPF NEET grant allocations. Oldham has worked with Oldham College to develop a programme that supports young people to sustain their placement at the College, with a view to reducing the drop out rate, which will support young people with the resilience to stay in College and therefore not drop out and become NEET. This should support the reduction of Oldham’s NEET rate and should work towards reducing the number of Y13’s who are NEET which is a significant issue for Oldham, GM and nationally. This is a departure from how the other 9 LA’s are using this fund and could become a good practice evidence base for the future.
In July 2024, Oldham was notified of GMCA’s intention to extend UKSPF funding and outcomes to September 2025. The extension will provide an additional £240K to cover the costs of the programme.
The total amount of the additional funding requested to be accepted is £363,915.80.
Options/Alternatives considered:
Option 2: To decline the additional funding. This option effectively removes provision, resource and support for young people who are an identified vulnerable group.
Option 1 is the preferred option.
The Cabinet resolved to approve the additional funding, in the sum of £363,915.80, to deliver the extension to schemes provided for the Borough’s NEET young people. This option provides additional support to our young people in Oldham, including Care Leavers that would not normally be available.