Issue - decisions

Appointments to Cabinet Sub-Committees and Joint Committee

19/07/2024 - Appointments to Cabinet Sub-Committees and Joint Committee

Consideration was given to a report of the Director of Legal which sought appointments to the following Cabinet Sub-Committees, in 2024/25:

  1. Local Investment Fund Cabinet Sub-Committee
  2. Shareholder Cabinet Sub-Committee
  3. Oldham Integrated Care Partnership


The terms of reference for each sub-committee were considered by the Cabinet.


Options/alternatives considered:

Option 1 – To appoint to the sub-committees.

Option 2 – Not to appoint to the sub-committees.


Resolved That:

1.    Membership of the Local Investment Fund Cabinet Sub Committee, in 2024/25, comprise:

·         The Leader of the Council

·         The Statutory Deputy Leader of the Council

·         The Cabinet Member for Value for Money and Sustainability

2.    Membership of the Shareholder Cabinet Sub-Committee, in 2024/25 comprise:

·         The Leader of the Council

·         The Statutory Deputy Leader of the Council

·         The Cabinet Member for Value for Money and Sustainability

·         The Cabinet Member for Don’t Trash Oldham.

3.    Membership of the Oldham Integrated Care Partnership, in 2024/25 comprise:

·         The Leader of the Council

·         The Cabinet Member for Adults, Health and Wellbeing

·         The Cabinet Member for Children and Young People

·         The Cabinet Member for Don’t Trash Oldham

  1. The terms of reference for the Local Investment Fund Cabinet Sub-Committee, the Shareholder Cabinet Sub-Committee and the Oldham Integrated Care Partnership, be noted.