Issue - decisions

Objections to Proposed Prohibition of Waiting – Delph New Road Area, Delph

26/03/2024 - Objections to Proposed Prohibition of Waiting – Delph New Road Area, Delph

A report recommending the introduction of Prohibition of Waiting restrictions in the Delph New Road area of Delph was approved under delegated powers on 1 August 2022. The proposal was subsequently advertised, and fifteen objections were received. These were reported to the TRO Panel on 28 September 2023, where it was resolved that consideration will be deferred to the next meeting. The Panel had asked Officers to meet with an objector who attended the meeting, with a view to further relaxing the length of the proposed restrictions to the north-east side of the business park entrance. This site meeting, to which Ward Members were also invited and which Councillor Byrne attended, had now taken place. A further relaxation was proposed by the objector which provides an additional gap of 34 metres in the length of the proposed restrictions. However, officers did not support this proposal due to its proximity to the bend in the highway.


The Panel was asked to consider an updated report which was unchanged from that submitted to the TRO Panel meeting on 28 September, except the addition of a further option for consideration and the plans associated with that option in Appendix E / F of the report.


Options considered:

Option 1-  Introduce the proposed restrictions as advertised Option 2 - Relax the proposed restrictions and introduce the amended proposal as shown in Appendix C

Option 3 - Relax the proposed restrictions and introduce the amended proposal as shown in Appendix E / F

Option 4 - Do not introduce the proposed restrictions


RESOLVED – That the proposed restrictions be introduced with a reduced length of 34 metres as per the amended proposal shown in Appendix E?F of the report.




An Objector attended the meeting and addressed the Panel on

this application.