Issue - decisions

Huddersfield Road/Delph Road, Denshaw – Traffic Calming and 20mph speed limit and Range Road one way working

26/03/2024 - Huddersfield Road/Delph Road, Denshaw – Traffic Calming and 20mph speed limit and Range Road one way working

The Panel considered a report setting out responses received following the publication of the legal Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs) and Humps Notices which was approved under delegated powers on 13 April 2023. Letter drops detailing the proposals were carried out to all affected properties in the area. The legal advert notice was also placed at strategic locations on site. 16 replies to the advert/letter drop were received and  summarised in the report together with officers comments.


The proposed scheme for Delph Road, Huddersfield Road and Range Lane in Denshaw would introduce a 20mph speed limit on both Delph Road and Huddersfield Road. The limits would be self-enforcing by means of traffic calming measures. It was also proposed to make Range Lane one way, West to East. Ward Members have had a LIF bid approved for the works on Huddersfield Road, The Delph Road and Range Lane proposals would be funded from the Highways Minor Works budget. A pre-consultation was carried out on the proposed schemes prior to the formal TRO being advertised. There was broad support for the proposals. However, there was some concerns raised about the one way working on Range Lane.


Options considered:

Option 1- Introduce the proposed scheme as advertised

Option 2 - Introduce an amended scheme with Range Lane one way working being introduced on an 18 month experimental basis

Option 3 - Introduce the scheme with Range Lane proposals omitted.

Option 4: Do not introduce the proposed scheme.



1.         Option 2 be progressed and the proposed changes to speed limits be made and traffic calming measures introduced on Delph Road and Huddersfield Road with traffic calming measures introduced as shown on the plans and schedules contained in the report.


2.         That the Range Lane one way working proposal detailed in schedule 6 of the report be introduced on an experimental basis for 18 months.




Councillor Lancaster attended the meeting and addressed the Panel on this application.