Consideration was given to a report of the Executive Director, Place and Economic Growth which sought approval of refurbishment works, increased costs and appointment of contractors in relation to the Royton Town Hall and Library buildings.
Royton Town Hall and library were important community buildings with historic value, which had been prioritised for investment to support better use of the space for community use.
Following engagement with the local community, ward members, and local organisations including the Royton Historic Society, this project would ensure the building can be refurbished:
• to protect and enhance the original features and architecture,
• to improve accessibility for all users (especially those with physical disabilities),
• to ensure it is a friendly and welcoming building, and
• to accommodate more community activities, including a refurbished library and a new customer service area for easier access to council services (place-based service delivery hub).
This report provided an update on the project and the associated costs following the completion of the procurement process within a difficult construction market and ongoing inflationary pressures.
This decision is urgent is due to the preferred bidder holding a fixed price for acceptance until 24th February 2023. Following standard tender review and due diligence procedures, this report sought approval to enter into contract with the preferred bidder and draw down funds from the capital programme to deliver the works.
Options/alternatives considered
Option 1 – Do Nothing: Whilst the project had already started on site with the demolition of the extension buildings, further works would be required to secure the building and make good the rear of the building. These works would still need costing and delivering, but the outcome would be a continued derelict Town Hall building and limited community use in the Library building. The opportunity to renovate both buildings for enhanced community use would be lost.
Option 2 – Approve the appointment of a contractor to proceed with the refurbishment of the buildings, and approve the additional funds required to complete the works as originally intended. This would strengthen the library offer, provide a new customer service offer in the Library building and would bring the Town Hall building back into community use with enhanced, and disability friendly public facilities.
RESOLVED- That the Cabinet would consider the commercially sensitive information contained at Item 15 of the agenda before making a decision.