Consideration was given to a report of the Managing Director, Children and Young People which sought approval of a revised Local Academy Conversion Policy and Guidance and its application in all cases where maintained schools convert to academy status.
The original Local Authority Policy on Academy Conversion was agreed in 2016. In March 2022 the government released a new white paper ‘Opportunity for All’. A key aim of the white paper was to enable the conversion of all maintained school to academies by 2030.
In September 2022 the Department of Education also published new guidance on schools causing concern. In effect this means that schools that are currently meet the Department for Education definition of ‘coasting schools’ would be required to convert to academy status. The guidance was also clear that this process would be accelerated in areas that are designated as EIA (Priority Education Investment Areas). Oldham is one of four such areas within GM (Greater Manchester)
There are no suggested alternatives.
Academy Conversion Policy and Guidance and its application in all cases where maintained schools convert to academy status.
The original Local Authority Policy on Academy Conversion was agreed in 2016. In March 2022 the government released a new white paper ‘Opportunity for All’. A key aim of the white paper is to enable the conversion of all maintained school to academies by 2030. In September 2022 the Department of Education also published new guidance on schools causing concern.
1. The attached Local Authority policy on Academy Conversion and Guidance for Schools be approved by Cabinet and distributed to all maintained schools within the borough.
2. Authority be given to the Director of Education and Early Years and the Cabinet Member for Education to authorise all associated agreements in respect of academy conversions and approve any changes to the policy resulting from changes to primary legislation.