Issue - decisions

The Local Improvement Fund 2022/23

22/11/2022 - The Local Improvement Fund 2022/23

Consideration was given to a report of the Assistant Chief Executive which sought approval a review of the Local Improvement Fund (LIF) 2022/23 and update Cabinet on the proposals to provide £400,000 for larger capital projects in line with previous years and £100,000 revenue funding for smaller projects worth £500 to £3,500 responding to needs in local areas.

The Local improvement fund was established in 2019 with the aim of supporting districts to improve the quality of life in local areas, to improve community buildings, equipment and other facilities and engage with residents to prioritise schemes that matter to them.

It was proposed that for 2022/23 the LIF should be adapted to support the larger local capital projects and also boost funds for smaller interventions in wards to see improvements in the area quickly.

The £400,000 element of the fund would be distributed through a similar process as in previous years, through expressions of interest for projects over £10,000 and would be assessed by a cross party advisory panel, 2 Labour councillors, 1 Liberal Democrat and 1 Conservative councillor. Recommendations from the panel would be considered by the LIF Cabinet-Subcommittee for final approval.

The remaining £100,000 revenue funding will be available for buds of £500-£3,500 would be assessed at a monthly meeting of the Cabinet sub-committee.


Options/alternatives considered

Option 1 – Do nothing.

Option 2 – Review the proposed approach and agree to proceed with the LIF


RESOLVED – That the proposals for the Local Improvement Fund 2022/23 and the process for allocating the funding be approved.