Issue - decisions

Future contracting tender arrangements for residential and dual registered care homes

24/10/2022 - Future contracting tender arrangements for residential and dual registered care homes

The Cabinet gave consideration to a report of the Director of Adult Social Care which sought to update the contract arrangements for residential and nursing home provision in the Borough and sought approval to conduct an open tendering exercise.

The current Oldham Council contract and service specification that was used when care home places were commissioned dated back to 2011nad a refreshed approach was needed. Pivotal changes such as the Health and Care Act 2022 and adult social care charging reforms needed to be reflected in the commissioning and contacting arrangements for the future.

The intention was to implement revised contracting arrangements with market by April 2023 and the report set out the implementation plan. The proposed arrangements would be in place for a minimum of 5 years with the option to extend for a further 2 years.


Options/alternatives considered

Option 1 – Do nothing

Option 2 – Approval to go out to market with a revised contracting approach and provide delegated authority to the Director of Adult Social Care to award the contracts to compliant providers following the tender process.



1.    The revised commissioning and contracting arrangements are put in lace with the market reflecting those changes, including implementation of a revised service specification referencing all legislative requirements.

2.    Approval be given to undertake an open tender exercise for residential provision in the Borough.

3.    Authority be delegated to the Director of Adult Social Care to award the contracts following the evaluation and moderation process being conducted.