Issue - decisions

Children’s Commissioning Team Structure Options

20/05/2022 - Children’s Commissioning Team Structure Options

Interim arrangements for a fixed term ensure we do not commit to a permanent structure, allowing a flexible approach to adapt as the direction of the Integrated Health and Care System evolves avoiding unnecessary redundancy or TUPE implications.
The interim structure will ensure that children and young people’s commissioning functions remain a priority within the scope and control of children’s service contributing to Directorate outcomes and performance
The proposed structure options consider the need for increased placements and sufficiency capacity in order to meet the increasing demands of children’s social care and contribute to sufficiency plans to reduce the reliance on external high cost out of borough placements. The recruitment of an additional G6 Placement Officer will enable a G10 post to deliver strong strategic oversight including quality assurance, sufficiency and GM/Northwest Framework developments.
Re-distributed commissioning capacity will ensure consistency, accountability, contract management and quality assurance, and will work across the directorate on community-based services, placement providers, Oldham Learning, SEND including personalization developments and Virtual School activities and provision.