A report detailing participation of Young People aged 16 – 18 in Education, Employment and Training.
The Participation of Young People aged 16 – 18 in Education, Employment or Training report was introduced by Cabinet Member Mohon Ali. The Annual Report was for information and an opportunity for members to scrutinise and challenge activities in the preceding academic year. The report would update the Board on current participation and NEET rates together with a summary on activity during the past academic year and planned in the future to ensure that we are shaping and influencing opportunities where possible for our 16–18- year-olds.
It was noted that the Council had continued to fulfil its duties around encouraging, enabling, and assisting young people to participate in education or training and tracking those aged 16 and 17 through the commission of the targeted support offer delivered by Positive Steps. This includes a small resource for SEND (EHC plans) and Children Looked After (CLA) cohort. Due to the contract term coming to an end, the Local Authority (LA) was currently undergoing a procurement exercise, with the new contract being in place on 1 April 2025.
It was noted that the approach across partners in Oldham was to ensure that young people were empowered to access the advice and support they require; that they have opportunities available to engage with young people to hear their voices and respond in the best way.
It was noted that the report would update the Board on Participation, NEET (not in education, employment, or training) and unknown rates across the academic year that began in September 2023 and culminated in July 2024, together with a summary on activity planned in the future to ensure that are shaping and influencing where possible for our 16–18-year-olds.
Members of scrutiny board were informed that there is work undertaken to try and reduce NEET levels and deploys preventive measures to stop someone becoming NEET status.
Amanda Youlden Provided highlights of the report, informing members of the board that her team are working hard on unknown rate across Oldham, deploying different methods which had reduced the rate to 0.63%, which was approximately 43 people across YR 12 and 13.
Members of the Scrutiny Board were informed that the group “Interventions power Oldham”, a service that offers mentoring, had there funding extended until September 2025.
On top of the support, there has been more resources allocated like with Oldham college where AI had been deployed to look out for any “wobblers” who will identify any patters to stop young people dropping out of college.
Post 16 there has been a population growth, with certain challenges around enough college places. It was noted that there would be a calculation using census data to see what places were available, and if any gaps were present. In addition, Yr 13 participation rate was lower than Yr 12, with there being a need to find out what support could be provided.
Members of the scrutiny board expressed their opinion that any feedback concerning college age students, was more appropriate to come from students rather than the college itself.
In response to questions concerning children’s disability team in 2.36 of the report, Members were informed that there will be a follow up after the meeting concerning the publication of the transition booklet described in the report.
Members were informed that in relation to working with partners, the council were seeking to utilise the private sector and charity sector and bring them on board with NEET related issues.
There was a discussion about the need for more vocational and alternative approaches to the standardised curriculum, with it being expressed that every child learns differently.
1) The Scrutiny Board note the Participation of Young People aged 16 – 18 in Education, Employment or Training report.
2) Note the range of interventions currently in place to support young people into EET and prevent the incidence of NEET increasing.
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