Agenda item

Constitution Update

To consider updates to the Council’s Constitution


Councillor Shah MOVED and Councillor Jabbar SECONDED the report of the Director of Legal, which recommended that Council consider and approve the proposed constitution changes detailed at paragraphs 2.1 to 2.7 of the submitted report and to reconfirm the Constitution as amended by this meeting.


The main areas that were recommended for amendment included ‘Member/Officer Protocol’ (as detailed at Appendix 1), ‘Planning meeting protocol’ (as detailed at Appendix 2), ‘Organisational changes’ (as detailed at Appendix 3), ‘Employee Code of Conduct’ (as detailed at Appendix 4), ‘Financial Procedure Rules’ (as detailed at Appendix 5), ‘Contract Procedure Rules’ (as detailed at Appendix 6) and ‘Other procedural changes’ (as detailed at Appendix 7).


Council was advised that the Constitution needs to be regularly reviewed to ensure that it reflects any procedural or organisational changes and the Director of Legal’s report identified areas where amendments to the Constitution were required.



1.    That Council approves the recommended constitutional changes detailed at paragraphs 2.1 to 2.7 of the report, including the organisational changes outlined at paragraph 2.3.

2.    That Council confirms the Constitution, as amended.

3.     That Council delegates to the Director of Legal, the making of consequential amendments to the Constitution.

Supporting documents: