Agenda item

Reports of the Leader and Cabinet Members

(Time limit 90 minutes)

Leader and Cabinet Members to present their reports.

Non-executive members may ask questions.


a.    Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Building a Better Oldham – including the Minutes of the meeting of the Cabinet held 26th February 2024 and 18th March 2024 and the meetings of the Greater Manchester Combined Authority held 23rd February 2024 and 22nd March 2024

b.    Deputy Leader and Decent Home Portfolio Holder

c.    Deputy Leader and Value for Money and Sustainability Portfolio Holder

d.    Children and Young People’s Portfolio Holder

e.    Education and Skills Portfolio Holder

f.     Enterprise Portfolio Holder

g.    Adults, Health and Wellbeing Portfolio Holder

h.    Don’t Trash Oldham Portfolio Holder

i.      Thriving Communities and Culture Portfolio Holder

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