Agenda item

Notice of Administration Business

(time limit 30 minutes)


Motion 1 - A voice for those affected by Child Sexual Exploitation in Oldham 
to be Moved by Councillor Hobin
Seconded by Councillor Hince

In June 2022, the Greater Manchester Independent Assurance Review in relation to Child Sexual Exploitation published its second report which looked into the effectiveness of safeguarding practice in the borough of Oldham.

Since that time survivors, advocates and campaigners have articulated a series of areas which they believe the assurance review was unable to cover due to its restricted terms of reference. These are;

·         That the Assurance Review team heard limited testimony from those affected by Child Sexual Exploitation in the Borough of Oldham and that, as a result, other survivors and their families were not provided with the opportunity for their cases to be reviewed or to have their voices heard.


·         That the time-period and scope set by the Independent Assurance Review was too limited.

Concerns have also been raised that some of those who claimed to have evidence relating to abuse and exploitation did not engage with the review and/or refused to share that evidence.

Since the publication of the Assurance Review in June 2022 numerous calls have been made to the Home Office for a wider Public Inquiry into Child Sexual Exploitation in the Borough of Oldham. To date, these calls have been rejected. The Home Office saying that it is within the power of the Local Authority to commission an Independent Inquiry.

The survivors should be the first consideration and their questions and concerns answered. There should also be a pathway for perpetrators and facilitators to be brought to account.

Oldham Council resolves:

·         To write to the Home Secretary requesting a Home Office led Public Inquiry into Child Sexual Exploitation in the borough of Oldham.

·         To continue the work with survivors and others affected in preparing the framework and to commission an Independent Inquiry should the Home Office refuse the above request.

·         That any Inquiry should provide a voice for those affected by Child Sexual Exploitation in Oldham and provide the very best support and protection to those who wish to come forward with their testimony.

Motion 2 - Get Veterans Moving More
To be Moved by Councillor Shah
Seconded by Councillor Rustidge


According to the 2021 Census, approximately 6,000 Oldham residents are former members of either the UK regular or reserve armed forces. This Council believes that these veterans should be eligible for discounted membership at Oldham Community Leisure (OCL) facilities.

This Council notes:

·         The percentage of physically active adults in Oldham in 2021/22 was 62.7% compared to the 67.3% in England, and the Council and our partners on the Health and Wellbeing Board are committed to getting Oldham’s residents ‘Moving More’.

·         Making it easier for Oldham’s veterans’ population to access OCL provision across the Borough will support the ‘Moving More’ strategy in particular the strand: ‘Supporting VCF organisationsto be able to provide services and work with their communities to increase Physical Activity’.

·         Increased physical activity amongst veterans will lead to positive outcomes for their own health and wellbeing and generate further benefits via social value. 

This Council resolves:

·         To ask the Cabinet Member for Thriving Communities and Culture, the Director of Public Health and the Director of Communities to liaise with Oldham Community Leisure on the implementation of a concessionary membership for veterans of HM Armed Forces.

·         To ask the Chief Executive to write to the Secretary of State for Defence asking the Ministry of Defence to explore further opportunities for discounted gym/leisure passes nationally.