Agenda item

Licensing Annual Report

The purpose of this report is to inform Members of the activities undertaken to discharge the Council’s Licensing function during the period 1 April 2023 to 31st March 2024.



Consideration was given to the Licensing Annual report which informed Members of the activities undertaken to discharge the Council’s Licensing function during the period 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024.


Members were informed that There are two strategic objectives that relate to Licensing:-

(i)            To work with businesses to ensure they are licensed and compliant. This covers:


·         Proactively licensing premises and individuals engaged in alcohol supply, entertainment and late-night refreshment.


·         Participation in Pubwatch schemes, partnership projects and joint, intelligence led inspections to ensure licence conditions are not being breached.


·         Promotion of the four licensing objectives and three gambling objectives.


(ii)      The second relates to ensuring safe passenger journeys, in safe licensed vehicles with safe licensed drivers. This covers:

·         Undertaking inspections of licensed vehicles.

·         Vetting new applicants for licences to ensure they are fit and proper.

·         ensuring that passengers are safe in vehicles by responding to complaints and investigating offences and breaches of conditions



The Licensing Act 2003 was governed by four licensing objectives:

  • Prevention of crime and disorder
  • Prevention of public nuisance
  • Public Safety
  • Protection of Children from Harm


Members were informed about the number of licensed premises under the Act, the number of applications considered by the Licensing Premises Panel and the number of complaints related to licensed premises. Members were also informed about the number of permissions under the Gambling Act 2005. A rise in the number of premises licences was highlighted. In response to members questions on the issue of Personal Licences officers reported that these licences were issued for life but could be revoked in limited circumstances.


Members were informed that officers continued to work with the private hire and hackney trade to ensure effective communication and consultation took place. The Committee were provided with an update on the details of applicants and drivers brought before the Licensing Drivers Panel over the last twelve months. Members were provided with the breakdown of licences in force and the vehicle testing data.


The Licensing Team also administers and enforces a wide range of other license, registrations and permits and the numbers of each were given.  In response to Members questions concerning scrap metal licences, officers outlined enforcement activities in co-operation with the Police and Environment Agency. It was also reported that the provision of vehicle door signage for licensed scrap metal collectors was also being looked at.


Members were informed of future challenges and changes with regular changes to legislation and guidance affecting licensing together with consultations; the summaries of which are detailed below:


·         Ne temporary pavement licence legislation came into effect on 31st March 2024. This will require setting new fees and establishing an application process;


·         Awaiting consultation on the Governments levelling up agenda to review to the number of taxi licensing authorities;


·         Taxi and Private Hire best practice guidance has now been issued;

Members were also informed of current projects which were underway or due to start in the coming months which included:


·         Reviewing hackney carriage ranks, licence release policy and unmet demand.


·         Review of Licensing IT capabilities to improve the service and experience of applicants and encouraging self-serve functions where possible.


·         Implementing new vehicle testing to include the issue of MOT certificates.


·         Review of testing facilities to increase capacity for the anticipated rise in incoming vehicle applications over the coming 12 months.


·         Review of Licensing Fees to ensure that work is carried out on a cost recovery basis ad reducing fees where possible.


In response to a question, Members were informed that Licensing Policy changes can be applied retrospectively to Licence holders.



(i)    The report be noted.


(ii)  The implications of the report be considered in future licensing decisions.




Supporting documents: