Agenda item

Repeat Referrals in Children's Social Care


The Repeat Referrals in Children’s Social Care report was Presented by Julie Daniels (Interim Director of Children’s Social Care) and Leanne Cooper (Assistant Director Social Work Services).

Members noted that the graphs in the report showing Oldham in comparison to neighbouring authorities. It was noted that the rates shown in the graph fluctuate often for referrals and repeat referrals.

Members were informed that there had been an increase in Oldham for domestic abuse incidents, with there being a multi-agency meeting for those at high-risk domestic abuse with the aim of identifying safety plan for young children and families.

Members noted that there had been new systems introduced for reviewing reports, which had been implemented by the Head of Service for Oversights. It was explained to Members that a deep dive had showed that the reasons for referrals could not be predicted.

Members noted the priorities of the Service, including re-referral tracking meetings to continue to be chaired by Heads of Service both at the point of the re-referral and at the point of case closure to ensure opportunities to support children and families had been explored. Weekly Head of Service oversight of all contracts where there have been three contracts into the duty and advice service. Recruitment and retention strategy to continue to be the key focus in being able to create a stable and permeant workforce. Weekly close the loop sessions with practitioners and managers to share key learning from practise case reviews and dip sampling of assessment and interventions.

Members were informed that repeat referrals will continue to require ongoing scrutiny, with the service receiving between 500-600 referrals a week. With Oldham having seen a modest reduction on the overall percentage of cases where multiple referrals had been received.

In response to Members questions regarding partner agencies collaborating with schools, it was confirmed that there was weekly meetings and monitoring which had been taking place.

Members noted that there has been a need to intervene at an earlier stage with these who are vulnerable, with an early help panel being introduced at a district level, in the hopes of achieving early intervention.

In response to questions regarding recording referrals, Members were informed that every single contact would be stored on Oldham Councils electronic system.

Members noted that there was no National database for referrals made at other authorities, however if a family known to Oldham did move into a new area the authority would notify and arrange a meeting to share information.

In response to questioned by Members about the data showing that January was a higher month for referrals, it was noted by Interim Director of Childrens Social Care that there were seasonal trends, with January being known as a normal peaking trend.

In response to questions by Members concerning temporary accommodation and supporting refugee families, it was noted that it’s a case-by-case basis with individual status determining the varying degrees of social care intervention required by the authority.

Members noted that when demand escalated the authority did respond to where the demand was high, however as a consequence it does create a budgetary pressure, in a time where authorities are facing increasingly restricted budgets.

Resolved that:

1)    The Childrens Scrutiny Board noted the report and progress to date.


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