Agenda item

Oldham Council’s Social Value Policy

To approve a Social Value Policy for Oldham Council


The Cabinet considered a report of the Director of Finance that sought approval for the adoption of the Council’s first social value policy, which would set out the approach within commissioning, procurement, and other wider practices as well as the approach to working with staff, partners, suppliers, and service providers to ensure additional benefits are delivered through all council activity, creating the best possible outcomes for our residents and communities.


It was reported that social value had first been introduced by The Public Services (Social Value) Act 2012 of which the Council responded to by implementing an Oldham specific social value framework and mandated weighted questions in all tenders. Through the years this framework approach had developed and evolved to the adoption of the National TOMs (themes, outcomes, and measures) and creation of the Oldham TOMs.


A review of the Council’s social value journey was then undertaken in 2022, recognizing achievements but also identifying improvement areas to ensure our aim in becoming a leader in embedding social value is achieved. One such of those areas was in relation to governance and accountability and having a published policy and strategy.


The Social Value Portal had been working alongside key stakeholders within the Council to design and produce a policy which details the Council’s approach and future ambitions, the final draft of which was at appendix 1, to the submitted report.


In parallel to this, a review also undertaken by the Social Value Portal to the Council’s Local Needs Analysis. This document included a summary of insights to highlight the areas of highest deprivation, needs within the local community and priorities identified by Oldham Council. It aimed to provide guidance for stakeholders, suppliers, developers, contractors, and others working in Oldham to develop more robust social value strategies.


A workshop had been held to discuss the content of the analysis stemming from the Council’s and the Borough’s needs and priorities; the final draft of which, was included at appendix 4, to the submitted report.


Options/alternatives considered:

Option 1: To approve the policy and its publication, formally documenting the Council’s approach and commitment to social value. The policy would then be available for the Council’s partners, suppliers, and the community strengthening our commitment.

Option 2: To not approve the policy and its publication. The Council would not have in place a formalized policy to govern the approach to securing social value and further progressing in shaping and leading on the delivery of social value. 


Cabinet was informed that the Chair of the relevant Scrutiny Body had permitted this item to be considered at this meeting of the Cabinet, without prior notification on the Authority’s forward plan of Key Decisions in accordance with Rules 13 and 14 of the Constitution



1.    To approve the policy and its publication, formally documenting the Council’s approach and commitment to social value; the policy will be available for the Council’s partners, suppliers, and the community strengthening the authority’s commitment. 

2.    To approve the revised local needs analysis, documenting the needs and priorities of the Council and the wider community, which will be published on the Council’s website and with all tendering opportunities, improving social value commitments proposed by bidders ensuring they are relevant to Oldham and its residents.

Supporting documents: