A report whch seeks approval for use of additional funding provided through a new Section 31 grant, that will be ringfenced for local authority-led stop smoking services and support, under proposed smokefree generation policy
The Cabinet considered a report of the Director of Public Health which sought approval for the use of additional funding, that was provided through a new Section 31 grant, which would be ringfenced for local authority-led stop smoking services and support, under proposed smokefree generation policy.
Cabinet was informed that as part of their plans to create a smokefree generation the government had investedan additional £70 million per year to support local authority led stop smoking services and support. This would more than double current spending from £68 million per year, to a total of £138 million, and support around 360,000 people to quit smoking. The funding aimed to provide through a new Section 31 grant and would be ringfenced for local authority-led stop smoking services and support.
The additional funding to Oldham for 2024/25, based on a 3-year average smoking prevalence of 14.96% (an estimated 26,982 smokers), will be £321,524 per year for up to 5 years covering financial periods 2024/25 to 2028/29. This was in addition to the Council’s current spend of £339,500 per year for specialist community stop smoking support (as part of the integrated Health Improvement and Weight Management Service).
The council commissions ABL Health Ltd to deliver its stop smoking service in Oldham as part of the integrated Health Improvement and Weight Management Service (Your Health Oldham). The Stop Smoking Service provides specialist stop smoking support for people who live in Oldham (or are registered with an Oldham GP) and offered evidence-based interventions, including behavioural support and access to pharmacotherapy to support quit attempts. The additional funding from the government is an excellent opportunity to enhance the offer of the current smoking cessation service and to further reach out to the local at-risk and priority groups in Oldham and support more people to quit, thus reduce smoking prevalence.
Options/Alternatives considered:
Option 1: Use additional funding to bolster the current stop smoking offer with special focus on priority groups provided by ABL Health in Oldham. This was the preferred option. This option would ensure that there is added capacity to a service which is currently already delivering services in the borough and exceeding targets and would support the local authority to move towards our local targets for reducing smoking prevalence.
Option 2: Use additional funding to tender services from another stop smoking provider. It was reported that this option was not recommended as the current provider was delivering the service to a good standard and meeting performance indicators.
Option 3: Do not accept additional government funding to Oldham. Following this option posed a huge reputational risk if the council choose not to accept the additional funding and use it to tackle the borough’s smoking prevalence and inequalities associated with it. It would impede Oldham in achieving our commitments to reduce smoking as this is one of the key priorities of Oldham’s Health and Wellbeing Strategy and it is our ambition to work towards a smoke-free Oldham.
1. Cabinet approves the use of the allocated additional funding to supplement ABL Health Ltd (Your Health Oldham), who deliver our current stop smoking service (as part of the Health Improvement Service), to bolster the current stop smoking offer, with special focus on priority groups, thereby ensuring that there is added capacity to a service which is currently delivering stop smoking support in the borough and will increase the provision available to improve the number of people stopping smoking and, thus, reduce the smoking prevalence and the impact of tobacco related harm.
2. Cabinet notes that the proposals will support the local authority to move towards our local targets for reducing smoking prevalence. Specifically, to target certain priority groups which may have entrenched smokers that are most at risk of tobacco-related harm.
3. Cabinet notes that the recommendation will also ensure that there is sufficient capacity to support Oldham Tobacco Alliance to deliver its ambitions and will ensure there is a coproduced engagement and communications strategy that is resident focused and relevant for the borough.
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