Agenda item

Oldham Safeguarding Children Partnership Annual Report


The Board considered and discussed the Oldham Safeguarding Children Partnership Annual Report 1 April 2022- 31 March 2023. The report was presented by Dr Henri Giller the Independent Chair of the Oldham Safeguarding Children Partnership.

It was noted by Dr Henri Giller for additional context that report covered the second year of a three-year strategy, which had been developed by Oldham Council, Greater Manchester Police, and the Oldham Clinical Commissioning Group. To guarantee that all children and young people in the area receive protection and safeguarding.

Members noted the key strategic aims which were the following:

  • Excellent practice is the norm across all practitioners in Oldham
  • Partner agencies hold one another to account effectively
  • There is early identification of new safeguarding issues
  • Learning is promoted and embedded
  • Information is shared effectively
  • The public feel confident that children are protected


Members also noted that performances have continued to be scrutinised and monitored by the Partnership Performance Management group. Data presented showed that contact to MASH was at 29,647, contacts converted to referrals was 5,372, 2906 s47 enquires initiated, 543 children looked after as of March 2023, 507 children on child protection as of March 2023 and 273 children electively home educated.

Members noted safeguarding priorities for 2022-23, with the Partnerships five priority areas for that year being Neglect, complex and contextual safeguarding, domestic abuse, children’s mental health and the impact of trauma and transitions. It was further explained that the Partnership had undergone specific developments on modern slavery and the contextual safeguarding around the topic.

Members noted the role of independent Scrutiny within the partnership with there being provisions carried out by an independent person who assesses the effectiveness of the arrangements which had been enacted. It was noted that whole relevant agencies are working with the Safeguarding Partnership, Oldham had faced continued difficulties in staffing across the different partner agencies within April 2022- March 2023. It was further explained that between partnership agencies quality assurance and information sharing is a standard practise, as well as across partnership agency training developments designed to prioritise safeguarding concerns which had been identified.

Members noted that the demand in terms of contact received was significant, with there being 1,200 active cases. It was further explained that Oldham are receiving significant more contact than neighbouring authorities, however it was noted that this does not translate into an increase in referrals being made.

It was expected that the demand placed on Children’s Safeguarding Services would continue to grow, with Dr Henri Giller stating that Partnership Agencies would agree on the increase in demand. A suggested solution to slow down increase demand, was earlier intervention strategies.

Cllr Lucia Rea stated that for strategic aims, the Safeguarding team should promote and raise awareness around safeguarding issues through increased advertising, to increase public awareness. It was further stated that schoolwork, around identifying signs and symptoms would be vital, with effective communication being key to safeguarding risks.

Cllr Colin McLaren asked how the safeguarding team are “strengthening the transitional safeguarding offer” from page 62 of the report. It was confirmed that Children’s Safeguarding Services are collaborating with multiagency partners work around ‘positive steps’ in terms of CSE’s whole team working around this issue.

It was further explained that youth violence is a joint targeted area of inspection amongst multiagency partners, with Mind Authority initiatives having completed a report on youth violence.

Questions were raised by members concerning provisions if a child have been exploited for criminal intent, with Dr Henri Giller stating that progress had been made to support children who had been exploited instead of prosecuting them.

Cllr Helen Bishop commented on the issue of young men/boys who had been victims of exploitation are less likely to come forward and share with the appropriate authorities their experience. It was noted that there are gender issues within the topic of exploitation, with authorities and partners dedicated to different initiatives to encourage those to who have been victims to speak up.

Resolved that the Oldham Safeguarding Children Partnership Annual Report be noted.

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