Agenda item

Oldham Suicide Prevention Strategy and Plan Update

To consider the Suicide Prevention Strategy and Plan Update presented by Rebecca Fletcher and Vicki Gould.


Vicki Gould (Senior Public Health Strategy and Commissioning Manager) and Rebecca Fletcher (Interim Director of Public Health) provided an update of the Oldham Suicide Prevention Strategy and Plan to the Board. The first Suicide Prevention Strategy for the borough was launched in 2017 and this brought together a partnership board for the first time. Stakeholders include Early Help, Housing GMP, CAHMS etc. Many successes have been achieved by that board – i.e. integration into the GM approach, links into the Coroners court, embedded into safeguarding approaches (all ages).


The Board heard that the three year strategy should have been re-written for 2020, but work began in early 2021 on a new strategy and action plan for the borough and the following were agreed;


·       To use the 9 Pillars to structure the suicide prevention strategy

·       To align with Greater Manchester and National Strategy

·       To use the evidence base to inform the strategy

·       To choose focus areas to concentrate our attention within the strategy


The 9 Pillars of Suicide Prevention

1.     A leadership/steering committee

2.     A robust background summary of the local area to support goal setting

3.     Suicide Prevention Awareness raising

4.     Mental Health and Wellness promotion

5.     Training

6.     Suicide intervention and ongoing clinical support services

7.     Suicide bereavement support and resources

8.     Evaluation measures including data collection and evaluation system

9.     Capacity building/sustainability within communities


After consulting with the Suicide Prevention Board, areas of focus that emerged included:

·       Self Harm

·       Legal, illegal and prescribed drugs and alcohol use

·       Loneliness

·       Age Targeted Approach

·       Males

·       Preventing access to means of suicide and high frequency locations

These were apparent across the board as priority areas for stakeholders, and in further consultation carried out with Oldham residents, employees, and Children and Young People. Oldham’s strategy was launched on World Suicide Prevention Day 2023.


Public Health carried out an action planning day on 15th June 2023. Public Health collated all the information received at the action planning day and begun populating it into the agreed structure. Ownership of most actions was agreed, and the finalised action plan was signed off in November meeting. The action plan is iterative and responsive – it will be reviewed throughout the next two year period and updated as needed. A new action plan (still sitting within the 2023 strategy) will be written in time and in line with changing needs and the emerging evidence base.


Dr. John Patterson noted that although the instances of suicide in women in Oldham was much lower than of males, it was still 50% higher than the national average. Officers stated that they intended on reviewing the cases to establish the cohort and provide support where needed.


Board members queried how we could get information to the public to direct them to the appropriate support and resources. There is an intention to connect with more Sport and Leisure providers within the community. Members also noted that they would benefit from training on providing appropriate guidance and information on resources to residents.



1.     That the Board noted and endorsed the work being done on the Oldham Suicide Prevention Strategy.

2.     That training be provided to Members so that they can provide support and guidance to Oldham residents.


Supporting documents: