Agenda item

Update on the Annual Governance Statement for 2022/23 and New Issues

To consider a report which updates the Audit Committee on the Annual Governance Statement for 2022/23 and new issues for 2023/24.


The Committee considered and discussed a report submitted by the Assistant Director of Finance (Capital & Transformation) which updated Members of the Audit Committee on the Annual Governance Statement for 2022/23 and new issues for 2023/24 by:


a) Outlining the progress made to reduce the risk of issues arising for the Council to address, where matters were identified as areas requiring improvement in internal control within the Annual Governance Statement for 2022/23; and


b) Highlighting any new issues which would be considered if the Annual Governance Statement was to be produced as at 31st October 2023.


This report provides an update on the issues identified within the 2022/23 Annual Governance Statement and any other issues which will impact on a future iteration of the Annual Governance Statement .


Appendix 1 to the report details the issues reported in the 2022/23 Annual Governance Statement and the actions taken so far during the 2023/24 financial year to mitigate these risks. It also gives an opinion on the present risk at the production of the Annual Governance Statement based upon a Red/ Amber/ Green (RAG) rating.


Appendix 2 to the report details those new issues that may be considered for inclusion in the draft 2023/24 Annual Governance Statement should it have been produced as of 31 October 2023. It also gives an opinion on the present risk at the production of the Annual Governance Statement based upon a Red/ Amber/ Green (RAG) rating.


The Assistant Director of Finance (Capital & Transformation) made reference to the Council’s long term resilience and the challenges the Council is facing and particularly the increased demand for Council services this year which has been reflected in the quarterly monitoring statement. He also referred to regeneration plans of the Council and the potential impact on the Capital Program and the assurance framework that has been required to show that the programes meet those objectives and the outputs required. Also that the governance arrangements, procurement processes and expenditure are accurate.


In response to a query regarding information release by officers, for example messaging and data in public reports, the Committee was advised that officers are aware of the need to pdf spread sheets so that the data behind those spread sheets is inaccessible. Officers and Members can access on line training to learn more about how information produced and protected.


Reference was made to problems arising where private childrens care homes close resulting in the Council needing cover the costs to provide the necessary infrastructure to house those children displaced. This problem could also be mirrored in relation to adult homes.


The Director of Finance acknowledged the fact that there are care facilities which are struggling financially. The Director made reference to Chadderton Total Care facility which has become an Oldham Council facility and drew attention to the fact that the Chadderton facility is a residential and nursing facility with 100 residents. The other residential homes are much smaller and if there was a need to relocate them these homes are much smaller and more manageable.


Resolved – that the Committee endorses the progress made on the issues identified in the 2022/23 Annual Governance Statement and the potential new issues which could be included in a future production of the Statement.

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