Agenda item

Consideration of LIF Bids 2023/24


The LIF Sub-Committee was asked to review the final scores and comments provided by the advisory panel and to agree which applications should receive funding.



The following requests for funding for East District were considered and agreed:


2.    LEES RBL - £500 agreed

     4.  Springfield AFC Development - £500 agreed

     5.   LSG Litter Heroes - £1100 agreed

     6.   Afghan Park Refurbishment - £2800 agreed

     7.   Growing Hub in the Friends of Stoneleigh Park - £1,359.27 - agreed

     9.   Moorside Cricket and Bowling Club Bowling Green Perimeter

           Refurbishment - £2,500 agreed


     10.  Community Defibrillators - £3,500 agreed

     11.  Securing Waterhead Community Centre - £3,500 agreed


The following requests for funding for the Central District were considered and agreed:


     12.  Oldham Fighting Obesity - £3,429 agreed

     14.  Bar Gap Road growing project and bulb planting - £3,500 agreed

     15.  Featherstall Flora - £3,500 agreed

     17.  Millenium Centre Refurbishment - £1,750 agreed

     19.  Don’t Trash Hathershaw - £3,500 agreed

     21.  Establishing Girls Cricket at Glodwick Cricket Club - £3,495 agreed


The following requests for funding for the North District were considered and agreed:

     22.  Royton Town AFC - £1,500 agreed

     24.  Shaw Road End Park - £1,800 agreed

     25.  Heyside Community Alleyways - £3,400 agreed

     26.  Heyside Public Rights of Way - £3,000 agreed

     27.  Harry Street Unadopted Road - £3,500 agreed

     28.  Hopwood Garden Enhancements - £847.93 agreed


The following requests for funding for the West District were considered and agreed:


     29.  Planting in an Urban Street - £580 agreed

     31.  Improving Built Planter o Cambridge Street - £580 agreed

     32.  Fernhurst Allotment Society - £3,500 agreed

     33.  Springbank Bowling Club-Fully Inclusive - £3240 agreed

     34.  Promoting the Development of Chadderton -£1,800 agreed

     35.  Darker Nights - £3,481 agreed

     36.  Granby Street Westland Area - £3,500 agreed


The following requests for funding for the South District:

District were considered and agreed:


    40.  Coppice Play Area - £1300 agreed

    41.  Coppice Community Garden - £3,500 agreed

    44.  Kennedy Street Alleygate - £3,500 agreed

    46.  Medlock Vale Clean Up - £450 agreed

    47.  Westminster Gardens  - £3,500 agreed

    48.  Lower Memorial Park, Failswoth - £3,450 agreed

    50.  Day Drive – Community Garden and Grow Hub Project in conjunction

           with FCHO - £3,500 agreed


The following request for funding in the South be deferred:


     38.  West Youth Kicks - £3,500 deferred


The following request for funding in the said districts be rejected:


1.      SCCp’s ‘Become Your Style’ Community Fashion Show - £2050


     3.    Hey with Zion PTFA, East District - £3,480 rejected

     8.    Sensory Garden in Stoneleigh Park, East District - £3,500 rejected

    13.   Neighbourhood Revive by Oldham Greenhill, Central District - £3,488


    16.   Northmoor Library new residents support and engagement, Central

            District - £2,500 rejected

    18.   Holts and Alt Improvement Plan, Central District - £3,500 rejected

    20.   Abbey Hills Road continued improvement, Central District - £3,500


    23.   District Planters for Royton, North District - £1,770 rejected

    30.   Coppice and Wernerth Community Garden Project, West District –

            £3,475 rejected

    37.   Chadderton Cricket Club, West District - £3,500 rejected

    42.   Medlock Clean Sweep, South District - £3,500 rejected

    43.   Medlock Edu Neighbourhood, South District - £3,500 rejected

    45.   Festival Celebrations, South District - £3,400 rejected

    49.   Pocket Park – Between Beech Street and Ash Street, South District –

            £3,500 rejected


The following request for funding for the South District was not considered:


    39.   Avro Football Club – Not considered






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