Agenda item

Places for Everyone Plan: A Joint Development Plan Document for 9 Greater Manchester Local Authorities (Bolton, Bury, Manchester, Oldham, Rochdale, Salford, Tameside, Trafford and Wigan) - Proposed Modifications Consultation

To scrutinise the Places for Everyone Plan: A Joint Development Plan Document for nine Greater Manchester Local Authorities (Places for Everyone Plan), prior to consideration by the Cabinet


The Scrutiny Board received a report of the Executive Director, Place and Economic Growth that provided members with an update on the progress of Places for Everyone Plan: A Joint Development Plan Document for nine Greater Manchester Local Authorities (Places for Everyone Plan) and to seek approval for proposed modifications to the plan.


The submitted report provided an update on the Places for Everyone (PfE) Plan and its independent examination. It was seeking approval from the Cabinet, on 2nd October 2023, for the PfE modifications (Main, Additional and those relating to the enclosed policies map), and associated supporting background documents, to be subject to a period of representations for eight weeks, commencing no earlier than 9th October 2023. A summary of what the modifications means for the overall aims of the Plan and Oldham was included within the report. Following the conclusion of the consultation, the Inspectors would consider all the representations made on the proposed Main Modifications (MM’s) before finalising the examination report and the schedule of recommended MMs.


It was reported that it was considered to be ‘normal’ for the outcome of a local plan examination to be that the Inspectors(s) recommend MMs to the plan, where necessary to make the plan sound and legally compliant. The Scrutiny Board was advised that as a matter of law a “MM” could only be made if it was necessary in order to make the Plan “sound”. The tests which are applied to determine whether a Plan is “sound” are those set out in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). Therefore, legislation enables the Inspector to recommend a MM only if the plan would otherwise be unsound or legally non-compliant. The Inspector has no power to recommend other changes, even if they would improve the plan.


The meeting was advised that the Policies in the Plan would result in the overall extent of the nine authorities’ Green Belt land being reduced by 4.1%. the current Green Belt comprised almost 47% of the land covered by the nine authorities. The policies in the Plan would reduce this to just under 45% of the PfE authorities land area remaining as designated Green Belt.


For Oldham specifically the existing Green belt made up 56.1% of the borough (when excluding the area covered by the Peak District National Park) under PfE this would reduce to 54.7% of the borough.


Under the Plan the Oldham ‘Allocations’ would remain as follows:

a.    JPA2 Stakehill (cross boundary with Rochdale)

b.    JPA12 Beal Valley

c.    JPA13 Bottom Field Farm

d.    JPA14 Broadbent Moss (with a proposed change to the boundary)

e.    JPA15 Chew Brook Farm

f.     JPA16 Cowlishaw

g.    JPA17 Land south of Coal Pit Lane

h.    JPA18 South of Rosary Street (with a proposed change to the boundary)



1.    The Scrutiny Board notes the progress made in respect of the Places for Everyone Plan (PfE); and

2.    Agrees that the PfE modifications (Main, Additional and those relating to the policies map), and associated supporting background documents, be subject to a period of representations for a period of eight weeks commencing no earlier than 9th October 2023, recommending that the Cabinet, at its meeting on 2nd October 2023 concurs.

Supporting documents: