The Committee considered a report of the Assistant Director of Corporate Governance and Strategic Financial Management which brought to the attention of Members the following issues:
The issues detailed above (a – f), alongside the plans for change aligned to the creation of the Audit Regulation and Governance Authority (ARGA) which were reported to this Committee on 8th June 2023, highlighted that there was a potential for significant changes to the future oversight of governance nationally, including the setting up of Oflog.
In addition, after a significant period of stability in the management of Local Government finances by Local Authorities, there were some high-profile cases where, due to poor financial management, four Authorities had become reliant on capitalisation directions from Central Government to enable them to set balanced budgets. As interest rates continued to increase it was possible that other Authorities who had invested large amounts in commercialisation projects compared to their annual revenue budget, would require financial support and therefore issue a future Notice under Section 114(3) of the Local Government Act 1988 (a Section 114 Notice) advising that they were unable to manage their finances within the resources available to them. Whilst, it was reported, the Audit Committees in the four Authorities could not have prevented past events, they should have acted as an important check and balance in providing challenge.
The events, detailed above, could potentially impact on the work of both the Audit Committee and the Council’s four Scrutiny Boards in the future and all relevant information was therefore included in the Committee’s report, so that Members were as well briefed as possible on matters pertinent to their role.
That the Committee approves and endorses the approach undertaken by
the Assistant Director of Corporate Governance and Strategic
Financial Management, in respect of dealing with the issues
outlined in the report.
Supporting documents: