Agenda item

Drugs and Alcohol Strategy : Adult Integrated Substance Misuse Treatment and Recovery in Oldham

To receive and discuss an update on progress to date on embedding recommendations of the Government’s 10-year drugs plan ‘From harm to hope’ and local work on policy implementation.


The Board received a report submitted by Rebecca Fletcher, the Interim Director of Public Health, Regarding the Drug and Alcohol Strategy – Adult Integrated Substance Misuse Treatment and Recovery in Oldham.


The report provided an update on progress to date on embedding recommendations of the Government’s 10-year drugs plan ‘From harm to hope’ and local work on policy implementation.


It also provided an update on the mobilisation of the Adult Integrated Substance Misuse to Treatment and Recovery Service delivered by Turning Point.


The Board was informed that having a high functioning drug and alcohol treatment and recovery offer is an essential component of the range of activity required to achieve better population health and reduce demand on health and social care services.


In December 2021, a national policy paper – From harm to hope; A 10-year drugs plan to cut crime and save lives’ was published, setting out the ambition to give people with drug addiction a route to a productive and drug free life.


The Oldham Drug and Alcohol Partnership Group was established in April 2023 and has been overseeing workstreams that are required to be delivered under the 10-year drug plan. This report summarises work to date to implement its recommendations and the GMCA Combatting Drugs Partnership.


Oldham and Rochdale Councils have in collaboration jointly commissioned Turning Point to deliver the drug and alcohol treatment and recovery service in both areas.


Julian Guerriero, Senior Policy Strategy and Commissioning Manager, gave an overview of the Strategy and drew Members attention to the various elements of the Strategy. He emphasised that drug and alcohol addiction is recognised as a health condition and this is embedded in the Strategy. He made particular reference to the timeline of work and advised that the work needed to be carried out would take time and would not be achieved overnight.


Annie Lyn, Senior Operations Manager, Turning Point, gave an update on the mobilisation of the Adult Integrated Substance Misuse Treatment and Recovery Service delivered by Turning Point. She advised that her team were working very well and recruitment to the team was making significant progress. She emphasised the work being carried out with communities and the need to make communities aware that the service offered by Turning Point was available to individuals who are experiencing drug or alcohol problems and indeed families who are affected by their siblings with these problems. They use the media to advertise their support and use events such as football matches to show that they are available to help which will give people more opportunities to get better. She advised Members that their centre would be moving to a new location in Oldham in December this year which will be a more appropriate venue to treat people.


In response to a question, Rebecca Fletcher advised that the budget for Drug and Achohol treatment services is £2.8million is the core elelment  in the budget for 2023-24  and the £1.49million was time limited till March 2025 from central government, paragraph 3.3 in the Strategy refers. The government may extend those grants but the Council is currently not aware of any extensionat this time. If the central government grant was to cease then that would provide the Council with a challenge to provide additional funding.


Annie Lynn advised that staff are being recruited on permanent contracts because staff recruitment is difficult whilst offering Fixed Term Contracts. She also advised that a family worker is in the new model and she emphasized the importance of family support.


Resolved: that the report be noted and an update and review of the Strategy: Adult Integrated Substance Misuse Treatment and Recovery in Oldham be submitted in September 2024.













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