Consideration was given to a report of the Director of which provided details ofthe ‘Changing Futures Programme.
It was reported that the programme was a £64 million joint initiative by the Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities (DLUHC) and The National Lottery Community Fund (TNLCF).
The fund was for local organisations to work in partnership to better support those who experience multiple disadvantage, including but not limited to homelessness, substance misuse, mental health issues, domestic abuse, and contact with the criminal justice system. The programme sought to make an impact at the individual, service and system level and build learning to influence future programmes and policy in this area.
Greater Manchester applied for and was selected as one of the 15 areas in the country to form part of ‘Changing Futures’ and had been awarded £4.7m over 3 years (up to March 2024). There were four innovation areas in the GM programme; Oldham, Manchester, Rochdale and Wigan each with an individual locality delivery and development plan.
Oldham Council had been working with partners, including the voluntary and community sector, for several years, to understand how system barriers affect some resident’s ability to engage effectively with services and this would form the main basis of the Oldham programme.
While the main focus of the programme in Oldham would be on a wide group of people with multiple disadvantage, there would also be an additional focus, ‘The Oldham lens’ that would build upon the work to date to develop a peer-led offer enabling women to better access the support they need. This included addressing some of the barriers they face whilst building resilience to reduce the likelihood of them needing to be involved with those services again.
This programme is subject to a tight deadline to implement the service element to meet DLUHC requirements. The following options are being proposed to put the service in place. Full details of the options were in the main body of the report.
Options/alternatives considered
Option 1 - Commence Procurement Exercise: To undertake a procurement exercise to identify the most appropriate provider(s) of the Changing Futures service in Oldham.
Option 2 - Host the Changing Futures service in-house: To initially host the Changing Futures service, in-house, at Oldham Council using seconded staff from the council, the local voluntary and community sector, and other providers. Although initially hosted by Oldham Council, the design and implementation of the service will be done collaboratively with the community and voluntary sector and other providers. During the programme work will be undertaken to transfer hosting of the service to the voluntary and community sector when appropriate.
Option 3 - Withdraw from the ‘Changing Futures’ programme: To withdraw from the programme as there is insufficient time to establish the service element of the programme to meet DLUHC requirements.
The funding for the Changing Futures Programme was in the form of a grant provided by GMCA of £772,193 for the period August 2021-March 2024.
RESOLVED – To host the Changing Futures intensive support service for adults with multiple dependencies within Oldham Council be agreed The programme would be developed and delivered in partnership with the community and voluntary sector and other partners.
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