Agenda item

Council Performance Report June 2021


The Committee gave consideration to the Council’s Performance Report June 2021.

Naaira Zaman, Performance Improvement Lead, provided Members with an overview of the report.

The new Corporate Performance Report (CPR) was designed to report progress against the Covid Recovery Strategy.

Actions, risks and measures were derived from Team Oldham’s annual business planning process – plans were finalised in June 2021.

The new format of the CPR had been designed to:

         Streamline performance information in a user-friendly manner

         Support an automated process for the CPR enabling updates in a timely manner

         Ensure greater challenge around performance

The new format provided:

         End of Year (EOY) predictions re introduced (page 2)

         Performance Summary by recovery area and theme (Pg. 3-4)

         Performance Measures (pages 5 to 18)

     - Trend information (previous 3 years columns)

     - Data periods introduced for transparency (period for Q1 actual) 

     - Benchmarking information where available (right hand side)

         Action updates by exception reporting of ‘red’ actions and x2 consecutively amber actions (page 19)

         ‘High level’ risks exception reporting. Risk and insurance team will automatically elevate high level risks to the strategic risk register and report to Audit Committee (page 20)

         Oldham in Profile Dashboard (page 21)

         New HR Dashboard being worked up and will replace page 22(see Appendix 1)

         Finance dashboard removed (avoid duplication of reporting)

Members were advised there were 6 red measures

There were 4 red measures for which portfolio holders & lead officers were requested to be accountable at Q2:

There 4 red measures were

         M63 number of visitors to Gallery Oldham

         M197 number of visits to OCL Leisure Centres per 100k population

         M619b percentage of care leavers 19-21 in Education, Employment and Training

         M656 Mandated Health visits completed in time

Due to the late receipt of the Performance report by this Committee Members were assured there was improvement and action being taken and the next Performance report would reflect this. The red actions were detailed at p.19 to the report and included:

         DA 101/102 – for CHASC Stakeholders to have established plans for balancing year end budget

         DA103 – Focus on the actions and plans to start delivering on savings requirements

         DP208 – Increase uptake & reduce inequalities in uptake in national screening & immunisation programme

         DA118 – Deliver and embed a strength based approach in Community Health and Adult Social Care

Members discussed:

M501 Percentage of Household Waste sent for reuse, recycling or composting, the end of year target being amber and were advised this was because recycling was seasonal and there were peak periods and targets were set on previous.

M333a Percentage of Council Spend in Oldham, the end of year target being amber, and were advised this was a rolling target and local spend was not in the control due to Covid.

S368 Business Rates and S357 percentage of Council tax collected in year. Members asked for a full report on Council Tax and Business rate collection form the service.



1.    A report be submitted to the Committee in relation to Council Tax and Business Rate collection performance comparing previous year pre pandemic.

2.    The report be noted.




Supporting documents: