Agenda item

FUL.347100.21 - 298 Moston Lane East, Manchester, M40 3HZ

Change of use of residential dwelling (Class C3) to residential institution (Class C2), single storey and first floor rear extensions.






PROPOSAL:  Change of use of residential dwelling (Class C3) to residential institution (Class C2), single storey and first floor rear extensions.


LOCATION:  298 Moston Lane East, Manchester, M40 3HZ


It was MOVED by Councillor Brownridge and SECONDED by Councillor Garry that the application be REFUSED against Officer recommendations.


On being put to the vote 8 VOTES were cast IN FAVOUR OF REFUSAL and 0 VOTES were cast AGAINST with 3 ABSTENTIONS.


DECISION: That the application be REFUSED for the following reasons:


1.    The proposed single storey extension adjacent to the boundary with the adjoining No. 300 Moston Lane East would, in combination with the existing single storey outrigger at No.300, create a significant 'tunnelling effect' when viewed from the rear facing patio doors of the adjoining property which will have an oppressive impact and result in a significant loss of light.  As such the proposal would fail to accord with Joint Development Plan Policy 9 of the Oldham Local Plan.


2.    The scale and nature of the proposed extensions to the existing rearward projection alongside the boundary with 296 Moston Lane East is disproportionate in size and would be out of character within a residential setting to the detriment of residential amenity.  This is an impact exacerbated by its proximity to the boundaries of the application site.  As such the proposal would fail to accord with Joint Development Plan Policy 9 of the Oldham Local Plan.


3.    The application has failed to make adequate provision for the storage and collection of waste (including recycling) that would appropriately cater for the proposed use.  As such the proposal would fail to accord with Joint Development Plan Policy 9 of the Oldham Local Plan which, amongst other matters, requires that development does not cause significant harm to the visual appearance of the area.


4.    The proposed C2 use would result in the loss of a large family home at a time when the Council is unable to demonstrate a five-year housing land supply.  Furthermore, as a result of the scale of the proposed use, it would not make a positive contribution towards creating sustainable communities and promoting community cohesion across the borough.  As such the proposal is contrary to the requirements of Joint Development Plan Policies 2 and 11. 


5.    The proposed use of the property as a Residential Institution would, given the scale of the accommodation proposed and the likely increase in activity and movements associated with the use when compared with a Dwellinghouse, result in additional noise and disturbance to surrounding residents.  This would cause significant harm to the amenity of surrounding residents which would conflict with the requirements of Joint DPD Policy 9 and paragraph 185 in the National Planning Policy Framework.




1.         That an Objector, A Ward Councillor and the Applicant attended the meeting and addressed the Committee on this application.


2.         In reaching its decision, the Committee took into consideration the information as set out in the Late List attached at Item 9.


Supporting documents: