The Committee was reminded that a Council Motion ‘Not Every Disability is Visible’ had been referred to the Health Scrutiny Committee for consideration. The Committee had subsequently made and referred recommendations for consideration to the relevant Portfolio Holder and Officer. Responses received to these referrals were reported and the Committee was invited to consider the next step in their consideration.
A Motion to Council ‘Not Every Disability is Visible’, referred from the Council meeting held on 9th September 2020 to “Overview and Scrutiny” for consideration, had read –
““This Council notes that:
· The charity Crohn’s and Colitis UK is encouraging venues providing accessible public toilets to install new signage. This is to help stop stigma and discrimination towards people with ‘invisible illnesses’ such as Crohn’s Disease or ulcerative colitis.
· There have been instances nationally where such individual using an accessible toilet have been accused by staff members of being ineligible to use them.
· These signs have two standing figures and a wheelchair user with the words Accessible Toilet and the logo ‘Not every disability is visible’.
· The Government has decided recently that large accessible toilets for severely disabled people – known as Changing Places – will be made compulsory for large new buildings, such as shopping centres, supermarkets, sports and arts venues, in England from 2021.
Council resolves to:
· Ensure that accessible toilets on Council premises bear these signs.
· Ask town and district centre retailers and leisure outlets to do likewise with their accessible public toilets.
· Seek advice from the charity Crohn’s and Colitis UK on the information and training we should provide to Council staff members. This is so they understand these illnesses and to prevent potential embarrassment for those who suffer with them
· Ensure that any Changing Places toilets in our buildings are property signposted for visitors.
· Ensure that the requirement to provide new Changing Place toilets is included within the Council’s future plans for new public buildings in the borough.”
The Motion had subsequently been referred to the Health Scrutiny Committee which gave consideration to the issues at a meeting held on 8th December 2020, the Committee resolving at the latter meeting such that –
1. the issue of signage of accessible toilets as suggested by the Crohn’s and Colitis ‘Not every disability is visible’ campaign be forwarded to the relevant Cabinet Member and Officers to look at and cost up the necessary changes and to report further to this Committee to enable the Committee to prepare a report on this matter;
2. the provision of a Changing Places toilet facility at the Spindles Shopping Centre be referred to the relevant Portfolio Holder and Officers to look at and cost up to consider whether this could be provided, to apply for relevant grants and progress if the funding is forthcoming, and to report back to this Committee.
The Committee was advised that the Leader of the Council (as the relevant Cabinet Member) had given his support to the costing of proposals and that the Director of Economy had advised such that “The Town Centre and Estates teams have confirmed the following actions in support of the resolutions from Health Scrutiny Committee -
· New corporate signage confirmed in alignment with the “Not every disability is visible” documentation.
· The new signs were costed and installed across corporate estate for all accessible toilets.
· Information has also been shared with TEAM OLDHAM estates colleagues for wider application in all public estate toilet facilities in buildings.
· The list of public toilets and information about accessible toilet facilities has been update on the council website for consistency and public awareness.
· Estates team are aware that any / all refurbishments to buildings need to ensure / include accessible changing facilities. This is embedded into the redevelopment plans for the spindles shopping centre and will be included as a baseline requirement for all corporate projects.”
Consideration was given as to whether, in light of the responses received, the Committee’s consideration of this matter was substantially completed and the Council should be advised accordingly.
RESOLVED that the report be noted and referred to the Council.
Supporting documents: