The Select Committee gave consideration to a report which updated them on current participation and NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training) rates. A summary on activity undertaken during Covid pandemic was provided, along with planned activity for the future to ensure that the Council was shaping and influencing opportunities where possible for Oldham’s 16-18 year olds.
The Council continued to fulfil its duties around encouraging, enabling and assisting young people to participate in education or training and tracking those aged 16 and 17 through the commissioning of the targeted support offer delivered by Positive Steps, which included some dedicated resource for those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and the Children Looked After (CLA) cohort. The effects of Covid on young people had been well reported with concerns about the effects on their education and wellbeing, including their concerns about the future, all affecting levels of engagement and motivation. The approach across partners in Oldham was to ensure that young people can access the advice and support they require; that opportunities are available, albeit in a restricted format in some cases; and to engage with young people to hear their voices and respond as best as possible.
It was reported that currently 94.2% of Year 12s were participating in some form of EET, this rate being consistent in the past 12 months despite the additional challenges brought by Covid-19, though there was some variation for those with SEND and the CLA cohort with whom further work was being undertaken. The NEET rate currently sat at 3.4% and had similarly been steady over the past 12 months. Positive Steps careers advisors continued to engage with those NEET and reported a number of reasons for withdrawal from EET.
During the first lockdown a number of workstrands had been put in place to support children and young people looking to ensure that young people arrived at their expected setting in September; were ready to engage in learning on arrival at their setting; were in a good place with their mental health; and were able to settle and socially engage with other students. It was acknowledged that engagement programmes, while essential, were restricted due to Covid. However, there were seven organisations offering provision in Oldham that would support young people to engage and obtain skills for education, employment or training, and work had been undertaken with a number of other potential providers of engagement type activity to raise awareness of needs in Oldham ahead of a funding opportunity with the Princes Trust. GMCA funding had been secured for work in removing barriers to apprenticeships for underrepresented groups, with activities during Apprenticeship Week 2021 and opportunities made available through a monthly bulletin being further advised.
The huge improvement in this service which had been of concern to the Committee over a number of years was noted and acknowledged by the Committee, including the continued delivery of support over the Covid period.
1. the improvement in services provided to promote the participation of young people in education, employment and training be noted;
2. the current landscape and experiences of 16-18 year olds which is impacting on their participation in education, employment or training be noted.
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