Agenda item

Urgent Business

Urgent business, if any, introduced by the Chair


The Board was notified of two items of urgent business.


The Board gave consideration to a report by the Director of Social Value Creation at the Northern Care Alliance NHS Group on Employment Support and Local Recruitment.


The Board were informed that the Northern Care Alliance (NCA) was the largest employer in Oldham. Creating pathways to employment within the NHS would improve the economics of the area and the difference that could be made to neighbourhoods and communities. By 2025 the NCA had agreed the ambitions as followed:

·         Create 1000 pre-employment opportunities across the NCA for those furthest away from employment from a baseline of 320. Approximately 210 would be created in Oldham from a baseline of 17 (2019-20).

·         85% of pre-employment learners supported into paid work from a baseline of 55% and 31% in Oldham.

·         50% of those employed by the NCA to be local residents of Oldham from 45% (based on NCA configuration of Oct 2019) which would approximately be 80 jobs each year in Oldham.

·         Support 1000 staff to become NHS Career Ambassadors by 2025 of which 220 would be in Oldham.


The Board were informed on the work ongoing with Oldham college, the Kickstart Government initiative and the range of apprenticeships on offer for numerous career paths, 105 of which were within Oldham. Members questioned if any other strategies had been considered in promoting the opportunities available. It was noted that the NCA were always looking for partnerships, along with Oldham College a partnership had formed with Positive Steps. The NCA were able to benefit from the opportunist grant from the GMCA and funding from the Council’s Opportunity Area.


Members asked for indications of what the timelines might be in terms of introducing this proposal and how many other agencies were involved besides the Council. Members were informed that there were a number of different projects that had different lifelines: two big ones around the BAME community in Coldhurst and Young People were live now and would be staggered over the next 18 months. With that 20 apprenticeships and pre-apprenticeships were live. The Support for Bridging the Gap annual event was an existing scheme run by the NCA.


Members asked how people were being made aware of the offer. Most people knew more about the NHS now due to Covid-19 and the NCA wanted support to go into schools. Passion and inspiration started from primary school age with one intervention making a difference. Young people were also the focus of nursing as there were a need for more in the profession.



1.    The report be noted.

2.    A future update be brought to the Board in May 2021.


The Board gave consideration to an update by the Head of Revenues, Benefits and Business Support on the Corporate Complaints Policy and the Unreasonable Behaviour Policy.


Members were informed that approval of the policies helped the Authority to engage and be open, fair and transparent with members of the public. The draft policies had been brought to the Board before final approval being sought from Cabinet. Members made reference to members of the public providing recordings to Members and queried where they stood when listening to those recordings. It was agreed to seek clarification.


RESOLVED that the policies be endorsed by the Overview and Scrutiny Board.


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