Agenda item

Greater Manchester Transport Strategy 2040, Our Five-Year Delivery Plan (2020-2025) and Oldham Local Implementation Plan


Consideration was given to a report of the Deputy Chief Executive which sought:

·         Endorsement of the refreshed Greater Manchester Transport Strategy and the final version of Our Five-Year Delivery Plan for approval by GMCA and publication in December 2020.

·         Approval the Oldham Local Implementation Plan for publication

·         Delegated authority to approve future updates to the Oldham Local Implementation plan.

Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM) had been working with the Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA), the ten Greater Manchester councils and the Greater Manchester Mayor to prepare new, and updated, transport strategy documents that cover the entire city-region. This work included a refreshed version of the long-term, statutory local transport plan - the Greater Manchester Transport Strategy 2040 - and a final version of Our Five-Year Delivery Plan (2020-2025) which set out the practical actions planned to deliver the Strategy over the next 5 years. In addition, ten new Local Implementation Plans had also been prepared (one for each Greater Manchester council), including Oldham.

Oldham’s Five-Year Delivery Plan set out the practical actions planned, over the next 5 years, to deliver the 2040 Transport Strategy and achieve the transport ambitions of the GMCA and the Mayor, in parallel with the development of the Greater Manchester Spatial Framework (GMSF). The Delivery Plan included a mapped summary of proposed place-specific schemes as well as a range of Greater Manchester-wide interventions ranging from Emergency Active Travel measures to support social distancing as part of the Covid-19 recovery, to a GM-wide reformed bus network and associated infrastructure, clean air plan, and integrated fares and ticketing standards.

Oldham’s Five-Year Delivery Plan would be published in support of the GMSF consultation and as part of the GMSF evidence base in December 2020. This report includes details of the interventions that could result in direct investment in Oldham or are particularly relevant to Oldham. The Delivery Plan also contained details of the strategic transport interventions associated with GMSF allocations that may be brought forward. This report includes details of the GMSF interventions associated with Oldham’s GMSF allocations.



Option 1 - Members can endorse the refreshed Greater Manchester Transport Strategy and the final version of Our Five-Year Delivery Plan, subject to correction of the errors detailed in Appendix D, approve the Oldham Local Implementation Plan for publication as an appendix to Our Five-Year Delivery Plan and delegate authority to the Leader and the Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods and Culture to approve future updates of the Oldham Local Implementation Plan.

Option 2 - Members can decide not to endorse the refreshed Greater Manchester Transport Strategy and the final version of Our Five-Year Delivery Plan, not approve the Oldham Local Implementation Plan for publication as an appendix to Our Five-Year Delivery Plan and not delegate authority to the Leader and the Cabinet Member to approve future updates of the Oldham Local Implementation Plan. The GM Transport Strategy would be published without an Oldham Local Implementation Plan, which could have a detrimental impact on investment in Oldham



1.    The refreshed Greater Manchester Transport Strategy and the final version of Our Five-Year Delivery Plan for approval by GMCA and publication in December 2020 be endorsed alongside Greater Manchester's Plan for Homes, Jobs and the Environment (GMSF), subject to the correction of a small number of errors identified in Appendix D; 2)

2.    The Oldham Local Implementation Plan for publication as an appendix to Our Five-Year Delivery Plan be approved acknowledging that this was a ‘live’ document and would be subject to regular review and updated as appropriate.

3.    Authority be delegated to the Leader and the Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods and Culture to approve future updates of the Oldham Local Implementation Plan.

Supporting documents: